How to Blur Background When Filming

in #filmmaker7 years ago

Blur or Bokeh

One topic that photographers and videographers always are interested in is how the blur the background of their shots while maintaining focus on the subject.


Aperture is a key term we need we need to be clear on. Aperture is simply the opening inside the lens that allows light in. It can be closed and opened. It is often related in what is called the f value. Its a little counterintuitive, but the bigger the f value the smaller the opening and the smaller the f value the larger the opening.

The smaller the f value on a lens, the easier it is to get some nice blur. Usually lens with a large aperture (small f value) are more expensive as a rule simply because they have to be bigger (wider).

The Blur Equation.

Don't worry there is no math involved lol. This is just one simple way of putting together a shot to maximize the blur. Basically Min distance to subject + max distance from subject to background + max aperture = Max blur of background.

Even if you don't have a large aperture lens, you can still get some blur by implementing the rule above.

Its Not Rocket Science LOL

But it is physics, but not too hard to remember. Here is a video I did that will show you what I mean better than typing it.


I really appreciate seeing pictures with the background blur!! It adds such a flair!

Sometimes, i wish i could do with with my mobile phone photography but the most you can do is they let you control the exposure up and down a bit but not so much the aperture. My wife has a new Galaxy S8 which I have not played with. Maybe that's some hope. I heard the LG G6 allow lots of manual control. That may be a new phone to go to.

I bet they take nice pics. I just bought a very cheap phone, and bought a cheap separate camera.

It's the little things that make a huge difference - and it's also a craft -- something I definitely need a lot of practice with!

Good tutorial my friend!

It's a good effect to get right. I used to always struggle with the lower f stop meaning greater aperture. It never clicked right in my head!!

Great job, easy to follow tutorial as this is something that's come up with a few of the filmmakers I talk with lately.

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