
Hey man, was almost getting a full list of movies I still didn't see until you talked about Doppelganger...

Really loved the concept, I like these wierd movies like this.
Great read.

What? You have seen Doppelganger? How come? I believe that is actually the least known movie on this list. If you're into weird movies, you are at the right address! but I'm sure you know that by now ;>)

Have a great day!

Yes I've seen it. My father is a huge fan of zero list movies and all the strange stuff, he got me into it as well, so Now I enjoy them as well.

Glad to see we're brothers yet again.

That's cool to hear!

My father has never been a movie guy. Always mentions that stuff feels very 'acted'. My mom is a little more into films, I used to take her to arthouse movies every now and then. My sisters and I hardly got to go to the cinema as kids. I tend to think that this lack of movies as a kid, is actually wat made me decide to dive into that world, around my early to mid teens...

Talking about the brother thing: we have never been apart, although there needs to be some space for my twin sister. I'm sure you understand that.

I'll always have room for your twin sister *wink wink

Be careful with what you're saying, brother, she might me be watching us...

AKA reads most of my posts and I believe she enjoys the comments section too

Well then sister, you know where to find me!

Hi Vincent,
Nice post! Goede lijst!
( Ik ben zelf ook een enorme filmliefhebber en filmmaker uit Amsterdam.)
Looking forward to your future posts! I will be posting about Post production and Cinematography, so if you're interested... take a look at my posts!


Hee Bas,

Leuk om een Nederlandse filmmaker op dit platform tegen te komen. Dat gebeurt niet elke dag en dat is een understatement van jewelste. Ik ben benieuwd naar jouw toekomstige posts en hou mij ook zeker in de gaten. Ik heb grootse plannen, niet alleen wat betreft schrijven over films.



Nice post,do well to follow me @richdaddy

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