Movie Recommendation - Part 1 - Don't Look Now (1973)

in #film7 years ago


Let's try something new...

I present you with one of my (couple of 100) favorite movies.

I love this film for several reasons, but instead of naming them, I want to ask you the following:

If you've seen this film, let me know in the comments how you like(d) it.
If you haven't seen it or don't remember it well enough, I would recommend you to go watch it and get back to me as soon as you've done so. I would love to hear your story!

In case you like to watch a trailer, before you decide whether to watch a film or not, here goes:

Don't Look Now - Trailer

Or - what I would recommend - watch the opening scene. After doing so, you either really want to see the rest or not:

Don't Look Now - Opening Scene:

More info on this movie:
Image above this blog - source

Please Share Your Story in the Reply/ Comments Section. If you need some time, No worries. There's no rush. Get back to me whenever you're ready.

P.S. If you are still interested in my story connected to this film, then let me know. I might tell it in a future post


Never saw this one.
You're quickly becoming the go-to guy as far as cinema is concerned here in Steemit... you do well. Take advantage of the low competition and propel yourself to guru status brother! :D

agreed. You're very unique around here, yet. And I know what I'll do this evening. watching "don't look now". Thanks for the tip.

Thank you! Love to hear what you think of it :>)

I didn't realize I've already watched it eons ago in German. The German title is: When the gondolas are wearing grief

Now I'm so glad I watched it again. There's so much to find and it moved me a lot because actually I have been with this male main character for the last years. Was a very personal experience that I hadn't expected. I even dreamed about this man last night.

all those tiny symbols, the color code … awesome !

What!!! Are you in a relationship with Donald Sutherland? ;>) Awesome!
Must be pretty special to rediscover a movie this way.
I guess sometimes things aren't really a coincidence...

That's very nice of you to say. I fully accept this compliment, buddy :>)

WTH!!!! Why the woman shouting? And who was drilling?
You make me hungry to watch it...... :/

I am not going to answer these questions for you ;>) If you watch the full movie, they will be answered though. But, some questions will remain... Hope you get a chance to check it out and if you do, I would like to hear your opinion.

Oh! I've been wanting to watch this movie! i read the short story it is based on. I'll put it on my list now. ;)

Same here! I have read the short story by Daphne du Maurier who also wrote Hitchcock's Rebecca and The Birds. Two other favs of mine. I believe, I read the story of Don't Look Now, after having seen the movie. It's a worthy adaptation, to say the least.

That's cool to hear. :) Yeah, I like Daphne du Maurier.

I will try to get the movie, hope it is interesting

if it wasn't, it wouldn't be one of my favorites. Good luck!

Greetz from germany ... i left you my Upvote

That's nice of you, but I would be even happier to hear your (movie) story ;>)

ahm im not that Dude who watch Movies... my TV is only on Power to play some Comics for the Kids... or Football for me... i waste my time in Internet :D

haha! thanks for the honesty.

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