
I love this movie!!

I remember one of the first scenes when the guy went to a store, trying to sell wires or something like that and the owner of the store tell him he cannot buy this since it is stolen... then the reaction from Gyllenhaal was so authentic it make me laugh! Although I think I was the only one finding this part funny haha, perhaps my sense of humour is weird

Like the character was so crazy he wasn't aware buying stolen things is wrong, and when hearing it, he realized it sounded totally reasonably hahahah

This is like one of the most awesome contemporary movies made, it is like the "Taxi driver" of this decennium, I also thought Jake was kind of like a guy who is famous because girls like him or something, but after watching "The Zodiac" and "Nightcrawler" he most definitely earned my respect as one of the best actors, like you wrote "one of the best younger (Hollywood) actors of the last 10 to 15 years or so"...

I love how you call it:

the Taxi Driver of this decennium

that's a huge compliment but kind of true.

I must admit that Zodiac didn't do too much to me but I know a lot of people really like it.
I enjoyed (him in) Everest on the big - or I should say "huge" - screen though
but Nightcrawler is da bomb!

Yeah nightcrawler is dope, and Jake Gyllenhaal, really does a good job at playing some kind of "opportunistic-psychopath".

I feel that the film also contains social criticism, you can feel that Jake aka "Louis Bloom" is a product of environment, unemployment, crisis, failed night-classes at some shitty community collage because his car broke down etc etc, a good guy who just finally had to throw his morals out of the window to survive, and his assistant "Rick" also has this strong feel of desperation about him, like he will do almost anything to keep his "job"... Nightcrawler is a great movie and this was a great review! Thanks @vincentnijman! Now I am in a good mood!
I have not seen Everest, I will have to check it out! Thanks!

I saw this movie in the theater. The friend I watched it with said to me, "Now I understand why you hate the media." ;) Very good film.

Haha! I like that!

It's a love/ hate relationship for sure

I don't think I even watched this one, still a great recommendation and a perfect pick for tonight. Will report back with an opinion. I hope i will be equally impressed lol.

looking forward to hearing your opinion, whether you're impressed or not

Erm, back with the kind of a half opinion, because I watched the beginning and a movie didn't manage to pull me in. Maybe it is just not my type of the movie I would usually watched. But, an actual character and an actor, that was amazing. That part was perfect, but story didn't resonate with me.

I lived this film.

Wow! That's cool... you should blog about that one day.
You can call your post: "My Nightcrawler days"

Lol. Loved.

haha! that makes it a little less cool ;>)

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