Why the fuck should I watch GET OUT

in #film6 years ago

(Contains spoilers)
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Why the fuck should you watch “Get Out”?
• You are tired of all the remakes, sequels, prequels and want to see something new.
• You haven’t seen the trailer and therefore haven’t spoiled most of the movie for yourself.
• You like to fuck up your brain with weird thoughts.
• You think everything is well in the world and want to increase your paranoias.

Get Out is a low budget (5 m USD) movie, that was a massive hit worldwide and won an Oscar for the best original screenplay. So it has to be good right? …Right? Yes, it’s good. It’s not a horror movie, but a nice thriller, that plays effectively with your paranoias. The movie increases awareness of how messed up thing structured racism is, but it’s not the only point in the movie. The other one is: you can be as good person as you can possibly be, but when shit happens, prepare to get dirty.


Main character is a fine specimen of a ripped muscular black man, who has the best “something fishy is going on” stare. He goes to visit her girlfriend’s parents with her and it all goes slowly but surely in one direction – blood and more blood. The movie has also dead deer, teacups, spoons, brains and a fat friend. Still doesn’t sound good? Well it also has rich white men and women, who like to fuck up black people in a very certain way and are willing to go ridiculously extreme lengths to do it.

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It's the only movie that will make you scared, when someone drinks tea in real life. The only one, I say!

Why the fuck you shouldn’t watch „Get Out“?
• You plan to quit smoking but just can’t do it, so you have arranged an appointment to a hypnotist next week.
• You don’t believe that deer can fly.
• You are a black guy, who has a white girlfriend and you are going to visit her parents for the first time (basically the whole plot of this movie). Then please avoid this movie. Have a happy life. No need to watch it and create paranoias. No need for that. Don’t do it. Don’t.


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