Star Wars Solo Was Great! Stop Complaining!

in #film6 years ago

I've been a die hard Star Wars fan my whole life. I still remember waiting in line to see Return of the Jedi when I was a kid. Empire is my favorite one and I've memorized every line because I've easily seen it over three hundred times. I love everything about Star Wars, the games, the animation, the toys. I cried when the title screen to Episode VII came down because I was watching it with my son and never imagined I would be watching a new Star Wars film with him.

Everyone needs to calm down on this recent Star Wars hating boycott crap. Would you complain to the person who you lost your virginity to, that the tenth time you had intercourse wasn't amazing? I think Solo a Star Wars Story was a fun and entertaining movie. The problem isn't with Star Wars or Disney, it's with you. (If you didn't like it.)

Thanks to Disney, we get a Star Wars movie every year now.

Han Solo

Alden Ehrenreich had a lot of balls to play a young Han Solo. It isn't easy to take up one of the most beloved characters of all time. You have to admit he did a far better job than Jake Matthew Lloyd (but he was just a little kid) or Hayden Christensen acting as Anakin. I really enjoyed seeing how he made his best friend Chewbaca.



Even though Donald Glover doesn't look like a young Billy Dee Williams, he was just as cool and had me convinced he was Lando by the end.

Lando Calrissian

Feminism Forced Down Your Throat

I remember Lady Jaye from G.I. Joe as the first fictional feminist that I can remember. She didn't belittle or talk down to the male soldiers of G.I. Joe, but she proved she was an equal by kicking ass and it wasn't all in your face like it is today. I get the rejection of modern feminism, but in Solo a Star Wars Story, I thought it was well done as a droid fighting for droid rights and her delusional belief that Lando was in love with her. I didn't feel it was in your face at all, but rather funny.
Lady Jaye.jpg
Lady Jaye from G.I. Joe

fem bot.jpg
L3-37 wasn't as cool as a robot as K-2SO, but she wasn't that bad.


Even though this movie was a flop in the movie theaters, it will work out in the end (Netflix, DVD, and Blu-ray) because it's a decent film. If you are so gung-ho about your boycott, then download it on The Pirate Bay. Disney won't get any money and you will see the film going in with super low expectations and just might like it.



I thought it was well done as a droid fighting for droid rights and her delusional belief that Lando was in love with her.

But he was in love with her! It was supposed to come across as a delusional punchline, but you see later when she dies that he actually was in love with her. He was devastated and risked everything to save her, and it tore him apart when they had to put her in the ship.

Edit: also, as for your central thesis, I agree that it was pretty good.

I liked how her personality was added to the ship too. It brings more weight to it when Han will call the ship, her or she. L3-37's anti-establishment, or anti-Empire attitude is why the Millennium Falcon is so bad ass.

I really liked it.

Unlike Rogue One, I felt like it brought something new to the party: no light sabres, pure adventure, a heist, thwarted love, jokes, twists (even if predictable). Just goodhearted escapist fun from start to finish. It put a smile on my face. :)

Rouge One did something a Star Wars movie never did before... Killed everyone off. My 7 year old son told some friends of mine about to watch it, "Everybody dies." I had to explain what a spoiler meant after that.

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