Film Documentary of my journey to freedom from "the system" as a Freeman SunGazer, DAY 4.

in #film8 years ago

Morning Steemit! Day 4 of my Solar-Powered adventures. The goal is to feel good. It's another sunrise, so Im soaking up the beauty of nature and its healing power. Im bringing myself back to basics, and bringing you lot with me!

Day by day I can feel the richness in my life increase, my happiness is overflowing and my creativity and effectiveness in daily tasks seems enhanced. I have more motivation, more drive, more willingness to take instant action. My attitude and state of being is awakening as control is given back to me by the greatest mothers of all – Nature.

I woke up at 8.30 today, without an alarm. I'd usually sleep in til what I call "double-digits"; 10am or beyond, sometimes lunchtime. Grudgingly, I dragged myself from my warm bed out of sense of duty to this #steemit documentary, and to honour my new found friend; Sunshine. The only time we can hang out is right now, during the "safe zone" of sunrise; so I didn't wanna miss our appointment of opportunity. Although I woke up groggy and tired, after only 10 minutes of sun gazing my state of mind was positively transformed!

The more deeply I delve into the controlled capitalist system that we are given at birth, the more I desire to be a free man. After a few meetings with Freeman John Harris and hours of research into what is legal, what is lawful, and why so few people comprehend the difference I reach the conclusion that we don't "have to" be part of the system, not many people even know that! Being governed is what most people have signed up for, because they're kept unaware of any other options. In this fly-on-the-wall style video we can actually see my legal proceedings to become a sovereign freeman, in action!

"I gotta be honest, and I think you know... we're covered in lies, and that's ok...."

All this legal palaver is reaching an end! Once and for all. No more letters, no more "fines", no more control, and no more lies. Forty days of proceeds, £20 later and finally on my way to becoming a freeman! Sure, they'll still write threatening letters; which I'll return un-opened. But I feel a sense of confidence that I am doing the right thing; could this be attributed to the sunlight? I don't think I'd have the guts otherwise! Maybe a little Sungazing is what the Queen needs?!

What an action packed day! I've sent a special delivery letter to Her Majesty the Queen, letting her know I am concerned for her welfare as she seems to be being held under duress by unseen, unspoken forces of evil. Let's see if she replies to my Affidavit? Then I get my eyes tested, to see if any of the sun gazing I've done so far has done any damage. I suspect not.

Not only do I ace all the eye tests, I easily read the sight charts from double the distance! What's most revealing is that I totally see through the Optician who attempts to sell me sunglasses. Why do all the eye doctors, wear glasses?!

That science-bit -- Using the sun to boost Eye Sight and Immunity

Taoists and other cultures have known for centuries that staring at the sun on a daily basis and using various sun blinking/staring exercises was a way to heal the eyes. The retina is the closest nerve to the body and brain, meaning that they are critical to general health and immunity.

As author Daniel Reid write is his fantastic book The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity p. 247:
“The key factor in heliotherapy is the invisible ultraviolet band, and the key receptor is the retina. A layer of cells called the epithelial cells become highly neuro-active when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, without in any way affecting vision. While the visible bands of light excite the retina’s rods and cones to produce vision, the invisible ultraviolet band stimulates the adjacent epithelial cells, which transmit the stimulus as a powerful neural impulse through the optic nerve directly to the pituitary and pineal glands. Western medicine calls this newly discovered biosystem the ‘oculo-edocrine system’.”

No need for these anymore! Stay tuned #steemit, for day 5!

Step 1. Do what u LOVE. Do what EXCITES you.
Step 2. Share with #steemit to enable monetization of Dreams.
Step 3. Remember BOREDOM is the Enemy.
(NOT some abstract "failure")


Thank you ! Great insights! Bee free! And free others as well! Ever heard of UBUNTU Contributionism?!
In Love, Unity and Abundance

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