To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) - Lets talk film / Racism, parenting and murder

in #film7 years ago

Will you be ready to live your life if you are thrown into a jail, when you are absolutely sure that you are not guilty? What strikes me the most about the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird" is how it manages to address many of the social issues in small amount of time, but still keeps the story engaging. This film directed by Robert Mulligan in the year 1962 is a based on the novel of the same name. It has themes of racism, rape, coming of age and parenting. The movie cannot be put into one genre, it is a mixture of different genres weaved into each other.

Atticus Finch lives in a small town of Maycomb, Alabama with his two kids Jean Louise "Scout" Finch and Jeremy Atticus "Jem" Finch. Atticus will be working as a lawyer, but the town will be very small and people won't be able to afford his service properly because of poverty. Atticus is a very interesting character he has strong moral believes in standing up for his believes. 


Atticus will get an opportunity from the local judge to defend Tom Robinson, a black man who will be accused of rape of a white girl Mayella Ewell. Atticus will take the case and will analyse the case properly. As the news of Atticus defending the black man spreads, the people of the town will be outraged and will threaten Atticus.

His kids being very innocent, discovers about their dad. The fact that their father is going against every one in the town will make them worried. For Atticus it will be a challenge for what to say and what not to say to their kids, because being in a small town which has people that are very narrow minded may put thoughts that are bad for their kids. But, he will manage to teach morals to his kids even at the worst situations. 

The movie shows us how badly the conditions of black people was and there was no hope for them. There are many movie that talk about it, but this film will show it in such a way that it will stick inside your mind forever. 

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I recommend everyone to watch this film to know about our past and also to learn lesson about life from its character. Thank you for reading this post. For movie post and reviews on movies follow me. Cheers!

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Right now after reading your post, I am searching that movie in the web. Your review is so touching that fills my inner hearts with loneliness.

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