Movie Stakeout Reviews: 28/12/18-03/01/19

in #film6 years ago

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The latest collection of Movieland case files investigated by Detectives Dick Japowski & Joey Arizona.

The Many Views of Detective Dick Japowski
Christopher Robin aka Mellon collie and the infinite sadness (2018)
There comes a point in every young persons life where they leave childish things behind and head towards adulthood. And so Christopher Robin heads to boarding school, and the war and Pooh and the gang are left alone in the 100 acre wood. Then one day they are reunited. A sweet and warm movie about growing up but holding onto the things that keep you young at heart. Ewan McGregor is a treat as are the old gang.
First watch 3.5 Doughnuts

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The Arizona Case Files
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018)
A young and mentally unstable programmer attempts to turn a choose your own adventure book into a videogame.
Like all the Black Mirror stories before it there are dark twists and black humour, but what makes Bandersnatch truly unique is it's interactivity, allowing you to dictate the path the film takes. While there are much better Black Mirror stories Bandersnatch is historic.
First watch: 3.5 Doughnuts

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The Arizona Case Files
Escape Plan 2 (2018)
Despite appearing prominently in all advertising Stallone & Bautista barely feature in this action sequel, instead it
follows Chinese actor Huang Xiaoming and two white actors so generic you struggle to tell them apart, which is a problem when one of them is meant to be the bad guy. The camera work and editing is also so frantic half the time you don't know what's happening.
First watch: 2 Doughnuts

The Arizona Case Files
Song of the Sea (2014)
A beautifully crafted 2D animation based on Irish folklore, an Oscar nominated fantasy tale that very much feels like the European equivalent of Spirited Away.
First watch: 4 stars

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The Many Views of Detective Dick Japowski
The Dream Team (1989)
Four mental patients are taken on a day trip to Yankee stadium but end up having to fend for themselves in the big apple.
Plot is secondary to the dynamic these actors have with each other, with Keaton in particular stealing the show as an angry loose cannon. Frequently hilarious and from a time when it was cool to laugh along with the loonies!
First watch: 3.5 Doughnuts

Have you seen of the movies we've investigated? Are they guilty or innocent? Let us know in the comments below.

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