Movie Stakeout Reviews: 21/12/18-27/12/18

in #film6 years ago

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The latest collection of Movieland case files investigated by Detectives Dick Japowski & Joey Arizona.

The Many Views of Detective Dick Japowski
Solo : A Star Wars Story (2018)
The story of a young Han living solo a long time ago in a galaxy far far before star wars...
Few asked for it, over concerns of messing with childhood memory timelines, but it came just the same. And it's a fun old-fashioned space romp that fits the star wars mould. It would have been nice if more creative chances were taken but Ronny Howard is a safe pair of hands and gets the job done. Good job Ron. Baseball caps for all!
First watch: 3.5 doughnuts

The Arizona Christmas Files
A Christmas Carol (1999)
Sir Patrick Stewart stars as Scrooge along side likes of Richard E. Grant and a pre-The Wire Dominic West in a TV movie version of the Dickens classic.
Try as he might Stewart will never beat Alastair Sim as the ultimate Ebenezer, and some times the TV budget shines through, but all in all it's a decent version of the familiar tale.
Rewatch: 3 Baubles

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The Arizona Christmas Files
Santa's Apprentice (2010)
The current Santa is told by the council of retired Santas he must now look for his replacement. When little Nicholas fits the criteria Big Red recruits him to the cause, the problem is everyone else thinks Nicholas has been abducted.
While it's always good to see an alternative take on the familiar story, this star don't shine to bright, despite some pretty solid animation.
First watch: 2 Baubles

The Many Views of Detective Dick Japowski
Meet me in St. Louis (1944)
Classic Judy Garland musical that follows the Smith family in the four seasons leading to the 1904 world fair. Normally I don't have a problem with the acting style of this period in movies, but it's not great here. The family ham it up and the songs aren't that memorable. It's a shame as the film looks nice and its fun to see this time period. The one time I feel bad for hanging the garland.
First watch: 2.5 Doughnuts

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The Arizona Christmas Files
Elf (2003)
Will Ferrell sucks, like Sandler & Stiller he plays pretty much the same character in every film he's in. Elf is no exception, but it works because all the other characters are playing it straight...including Santa and the others elves.
Rewatch: 3 stars

The Many Jingly Views of Detective Dick Japowski
Silent Night, Deadly Night 5 : The Toy Maker (1991)
When Mickey Rooney fronts a holiday themed horror movie and puts a Clint Howard under that tree there is joy for everyone! Dumb as a sack of coal but there is a knowing nod from all involved, and with some creative effects from Screaming mad George this was a pleasant surprise and not the usual socks!
First watch: 3 Baubles

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The Arizona Case Files
Monsters University (2013)
Even when Pixar flicks aren't great they're still pretty good, and Monsters Inc: The College Years is much better second time around. Scary faces at the ready.
Rewatch: 3 Doughnuts

The Arizona Christmas Files
Silent Night (2010)
A remake of classic Christmas slasher Silent Night, Deadly Night, but one that tries far too hard to get on the naughty list, and Malcolm McDowell's grizzled police chief isn't the Christmas ham you were hoping for.
First Watch: 2 Baubles

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The Arizona Case Files
Monsters Inc (2001)
Pixar's first truly original movie was something pretty special, sure you could lazily compare it to Fred Savage movie Little Monsters in the same way you'd compare Chappie to Short Circuit, but like Chappie this was something new, with a finale that's somewhere between the Temple of Doom mine cart scene and a Scooby-Doo ghost chase with added corporate thriller thrown in.
Rewatch: 4 Doughunts

The Many Views of Detective Dick Japowski
Venom (2018)
Tom Hardy plays investigative journalist Eddie Brock who gets to close to a story and ends up with a wise cracking space parasite piloting his reluctant body. This sounds like Venom in practise, but what we are given is the mid 90's version of this story where everything, even down to the Eminem end title track is just slightly off. Venom himself puts it best "Like a turd in the wind".
First watch: 2 Doughnuts


The Arizona Case Files
Tomb Raider (2018)
Oscar winner Alicia Vikander attempts to lift the videogame curse and turn a classic game into a great movie, and largely it's a success. It's not going to get Vikander a second statuette, but it is a fun jungle adventure with plenty of action, a few laughs and nods to the source material....and most importantly a tomb gets raided.
First watch: 3.5 Doughnuts

Have you seen any of the movies we've investigated? Guilty or Innocent? Let us know in the comments below?

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