Movie "Eyelash" Portrait of Transgender bireuen In Camera Lens [bilingual]

in #film7 years ago (edited)

[ sumber ]

Film "bulu Mata" Potret Transgender bireuen Dalam Lensa Kamera [bilingual]

Watching movies is a new hobby I'm enjoying seriously, as an amusement and a form of my appreciation to the filmmaker. Watching movies, finally makes me into someone with thoughts, feelings and views to the movies I watch

Before reading the sipyosis of Tony Trismanto's "Eyebrows" film which won the image trophy for Best Movie documentary category of Indonesian Film Festival 2017, I brewed a glass of coffee. Because I believe in caffeine research make feelings more calm.

A snapshot of transgender community life in the most religious province of the country with the largest Muslim majority in the world.

That's the film of the eyelashes that make my feelings offended, angry and disappointed. the steam mukins will be maddened like I am feeling, will even muster a time to defend the truth in the film, which is a sensitive issue about the life of transgenders in the camera lens

Eyelash Film that I can not watch like the contents of sipnosis above I quote on the source [sipnosis film eyelashes] ( thus making conclusions to me that the director was playing religious narrative in the form of a camera lens, although in the context of the work of the film medium

They are human creations of god should be recognized should be acknowledged. In my film it supports their right to live without discrimination" said film director Eyelashes

I do not guarantee the eyelash film is a filmmaker's endeavor to support their right to live without discrimination will be accepted legowo by the special public of the Muslims in bireuen district, therefore my suggestion of the steemian to brew a glass of coffee while reading the post me and the first film lauching trailer see below:

Menonton film adalah hobi baru yang sedang saya nikmati secara serius,sebagai hiburan dan bentuk apresiasi saya kepada si pembuat film.menonton film,akhirnya membuat saya menjadi seseorang dengan pikiran,perasaan dan pandangan kepada film yang saya nonton.

Sebelum membaca sipnosis film “Bulu Mata”karya Tony Trismanto yang meraih piala citra untuk katagori Film documenter panjang terbaik Festival Film Indonesia (FFI)2017,saya menyeduh terlebih dahulu segelas kopi.karena saya yakin dalam penelitian kafein membuat perasaan lebih tenang.

Cuplikan kehidupan komunitas transgender di provinsi paling religius dari negeri dengan mayoritas pemeluk agama islam terbesar di dunia

Itulah sipnosis Film bulu mata yang membuat perasaan saya tersinggung,marah dan kecewa. para steemian mukin akan tersingung marah seperti perasaan saya, bahkan akan menghimpun masa untuk membela kebenaran dalam film tersebut,yang mengankat isu sensitive tentang cuplikan kehidupan transgenders dalam lensa kamera.
Film Bulu Mata yang belum bisa saya tonton seperti isi sipnosis diatas saya kutip pada sumber sipnosis film bulu mata sehingga membuat kesimpulan kepada saya bahwa sang sutradara sedang memutar narasi keagaamaan dalam bentuk lensa kamera,meskipun dalam konteks karya medium film.

mereka itu manusia ciptaan tuhan selayaknya diakui selayaknya diakui .di film saya ini mendukung hak mereka untuk hidup tanpa diskriminasi“kata sutradara Film Bulu mata


Saya tidak menjamin film bulu mata merupakan upaya si pembuat film untuk mendukung hak mereka untuk hidup tanpa diskriminasi akan di terima secara legowo oleh public khusus nya kaum muslim di kabupaten bireuen,oleh karena itu saran saya para steemian agar menyeduh segelas kopi di saat membaca postingan tulisan saya

Eyelash Film Launching and Discussion "Recognizing Transgender's Public Life on the Veranda of Mecca.

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