Blade Runner 2049 review. (spoiler free.)

in #film7 years ago

I remember watching Blade Runner years ago when it was released and it was the most amazing film. Rutger Hauer delivered probably one of the best scenes in Science Fiction film history with his Tears in the rain monologue.

"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die."

So I was half dreading the new Blade Runner film in case it couldn't reproduce the magic of an all time classic Sci-Fi film. The initial reviews though were positive and much was said of the look of the film and how it stood against a much loved classic.

So, today we went to watch the new film with high expectations of being blown away by what is an amazing cast of great actors and a promised great visual backdrop.

I walked out disappointed, Ryan Gosling was great and played a blinder, Harrison Ford reprised Deckard perfectly, Jared Leto was criminally underused as the bad guy as the role of the real baddy fell to Luv played by Sylvia Hoeks.

The film looked good but wasn't the masterpiece promised by the reviews and I often found myself distracted as the film became bogged down in unnecessary scenes that should have been saved for a directors cut. The film is long, too long and needs at least 30 minutes cutting from it to make it a true sequel to Blade Runner.

Maybe the reviews had me expecting too much and I would be kinder after a re-watch but for me now, it isn't the new classic promised by the reviewers.

I did get a free mini poster though that I'll be framing.



I still need to watch the first one before I watch this one lol Nice review :-)

A good review. Now I won't waste my time watching something that will disappoint me. I think I'll wait until the new Star War one comes out in December...

It's not a bad film, just not a great film and far too long.

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