VOICE (a poem) --> #FiftyWords Week 23 entry

in #fiftywords7 years ago



Here's my entry for the 23rd Week of  Fifty Word Story Contest.

It's an interesting contest by @ogochukwu (literature-trail )

I hope more people join, too! <3 



 Let out thy little voice 

Everyone has their own choice 

Don’t let society stop you 

For no matter what, you are you! 

No one else and no one will 

Can ever define you at their will 

Spread thy wings; let out thy voice 

Show the world, you’ve got a choice!  



Thanks for dropping by!

Love lots, @tegoshei


Very inspiring. We need to be true to ourselves and not try to meet the expectations of others.

Thank you very much! ^^ I believe so... :) We don't have to please anyone or everyone.. ^^

nice job @tegoshei

we went to a similar place with this I think

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