Beyond the Cracks: After the Hatching. A Mother's Mission ♥ (@jayna 's #fiftywords story challenge - "Hatched")

in #fiftywords6 years ago (edited)



Sweet darlings, you can't yet know
the angst which covers my heart
as I watch you grow.

Knowing that you must
fly away from me
is unbearingly harrowing,
but I will prepare you

to decorate

the smiling moon above us
as the giants admire you
from their wingless prison below.






Poem and all photos © 2018 Serena Matthews [me]





I am a proud Helpinaut! Visit @helpie to learn more about or positive community! ♥
To learn more about @jayna 's #fiftywords roundup, or to enter the challege as well, click HERE to view this week's story prompt! (Deadline for this week: Saturday, May 12th.)


This is so sweet and warm. I can easily imagine that this is what a mother bird says to her chicks. Lovely!

Gotta love that birds are may just be dissing us from above and they still find the kindest words for such passive aggressive matters.

All I can say is sigh. You've done done it again. Beautiful words, and beautiful pictures as well, my gifted friend!

Awww, thank you, Dino.. you are too good to me. ♥

aw... pichuichuis! :P
or small beautiful dinosaurs :D
Thank you for the beauty dose.

♥ Awww, thank you Hector! You know i adore the pichuichuis! Especially the name "pichuichuis'! @yidneth language is my favorite .. haha


"from their wingless prison below." - NICE, is a matter of perspective

Nice! I love the birds' eye view perspective of this story. The "wingless prison" is inspired!

Hah! 50 words...! Far too many: I need only 3.

You Are A-ma-zing!!

Really, thanks so much for this much needed dose of loveliness; yours is a beautiful soul... :-)

A beautifully described mother’s plight.
And the photos are incredible actually. Great shallow depth of field that makes us focus in on the subject.
The little ones!!
50 words you say? I find always fascinating what 50 looks like. (I’m often asked to give 50 word biographies for festivals and that is such a difficult task, let alone a 50 word poem)
Anyways, I love this post. X

Thank you, brother!
I use a word counter site.. it calculates as you type. Very handy when you're restricted to a certain number! You should try the challenge!

Oh Wow, just beautiful!! I loved this, and the images and backstory make it all the more endearing... Very well done..

"as the giants admire you
from their wingless prison below"

What an emotional twist you pull at the end. In awe.

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