
I got a bit of a sadistic laugh out of that! Well done, I've never tried to tell a story using only 50 words before—I'm sure it's a challenge.

Give it a go @douglasbalmain It's great fun... I do it every week now :o)

I just did publish my first submission, actually!

Ah great, I'll go read it now..

Oh, it's definitely a challenge, but a fun one! :D I'm glad you liked my attempt - I was wondering whether or not I should post it; I'm not a malicious pixie-stomper, honestly!

That's why we call it fiction! ;)

Oh dear! Poor pixies! This is a very creative 50-word forest story. I agree—it will be really neat to see what everyone comes up with.

That was lovely @kaelci, she must have stumbled into a fairy ring...

An event that happens but once a decade, and she was so excited to see it with her own eyes... but alas, her feet found them first.

Ha ha, expertly said!


Nothing better than imagination at work. Good job. Creative!

Love it! Seem to remember Granny warning about treading too heavily in the forest on such nights...

Indeed! Granny always said, "Peer in from the edges and fall into another world, dear child. Your eyes will amaze you!"

Look with your eyes, not your feet. ;) (had to throw that in there; it's something I'm always telling my son - "Look with your eyes, not your hands!!" always has to -touch- everything.)

A decade's planning down the drain. Sardonic and twisted, I love it.

Oops. I kinda feel bad but it's also a bit funny. Good one! :)

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