
Atrocious, travesty, horrific, there are not enough adjectives to describe the "noble" gesture the white man offered the natives of the US. The sad thing is they still do not honor their treaties or accords. I'm embarrassed, humiliated, indebted, still not enough adjectives. This was their land and we came here and started putting up fences? Just imagine, meditate on how bewildered and perplexed they must have been. In short order the fences turned in to killing and declaration the new found land was theirs and they had a right to it, that God had ordained them with some sort of special privilege... (sigh) not coming down on you it's just striking how so little has really changed since my fellow white brethren raped this land and continue to do so today. Such silly foolishness. If we wanted to be free would should have learned from them. They were free until we arrived. Instead, we built fences out of fear, that fear progressed to atrocities and far beyond, and the story continues as we proudly beat our chest and proclaim our civility, and how evolved we have become... Poppy cock.

i feel like crying now after reading this, very well said. hugs, eagle

Sorry. Didn't mean to rant in your comments but @friendly-fenix tripped a trigger and I had to get my thought out of my head or risk going further down the rabbit hole of insanity. I have a few good friends back home that are Cherokee, Acoma, Seminole, I miss my native friends harassing me about my blonde hair and such. It's a pet peeve of mine the pius attitude certain people have towards things. It's laughable only to relieve the angst.
My philosophy teacher drilled it in to my head to pay attention to word choice and intention. Like the mention of the trail of tears as noble, that the white man was being generous in giving them the bloody red land I came from. Ha, deplorable. Should have been called the trail of rape, bloodshed, and thievalry. It's all so sad.
When I was in highschool I got sit sit out back of a friend of mines house in a full blown tee-pee where grandpa lived. They had to put him out back because the square walls inside caused him distress and made him depressed. Many times Chapa and I would go out back and smoke pipe with grandpa and listen to the stories he would tell as he would break out in native song and chant to yah ho i Ho or yeaweh. Those were blessed times by sacred spirits in the morning fog, and for me always that damned coyote laughing at me with that evil grin...

yeah weird, i still can't get over the term "red land" meanwhile you are spilling your guts and yeah FF meant no harm. i do not feel you think that, but ppl who have lived it and know the pain of others and have seen it, well they feel it differently.
i totally get it, and i see that many do not when i get emotional and want to express my passion, empathy and sort of a flippant way of expressing "oh that again."
it kind of hurts to a certain extent but then again it is almost expected.
i totally feel what you are saying and OMG i love the pipe, song and coyote laughing/evil grin! how i would love and hear the stories you have learned.
it is time for me to go and hear some more stories myself ... i miss them so very much.

ps. no worries on ranting, since i do not feel you really rant. not like others who are negative, you are Light and so very positive. you shine! :)

Stole a few pics from Oklahoma's red dirt. I'm telling you that land is red. redd2.jpg
Red and more red.
And no Im in agreement with @friendly-fenix in it being an atrocity. Peace !

Wow that certainly is RED, and lovely. It almost looks like Brazil. I am so sad I never saw this part of Oklahoma only Oklahoma City and surrounding area. Thank you for sharing and glad you agree. Peace!

oh shoot! i did not reply to this comment i must have missed it .. so sorry! :(
yes the atrocities were bad and thank you for understanding messages as "not to forget."
love you for that,

Thanks @eaglespirit!
I appreciate that. =)

but of course, you are becoming one of my FAVS :)

Thank you!!! =)
You too! Keep on steeming!

keep steemin FF! keep steemin!!

Thanks I will try!!! =D

i tagged you in an invitation blog to check out. :)

Aww that is so nice, I am going to take a look! Thank you for thinking about me! Cheers!

I cannot find this invite?

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