The wonder of nature - A Fifty Words Story

in #fiftywords6 years ago

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Look how it covers the pond - a carpet of jelly peppered with little black eggs.

As the days ebb by, water flows around them.

Tadpoles emerge from the spawn.

Look at how they wriggle around.

Legs, both front and back transform them into froglets and the transformation is almost complete.

That was my attempt to tell a story in just 50 words with the prompt of "Change"

Thanks for taking the time to read my story - I hope you enjoyed it. You can find some more of my stories here if you want to drop by

A huge thanks to @jayna for this wonderful outlet. The prompt for this week can be found here

Go on!! Give it a go.... It's loads of fun.... I promise!

Peace Out

Ablaze 🔥


Thanks so much :o)

love tadpoles, they amaze me at how much change they endure to become a frog. Great story!

I was amazed by them as a child and still am today.. On our farm they use to appear in puddles and little streams, and we watched the transformation week by week.. It was lovely to see them grow.. Nature is amazing

Like a start to a nature documentary, noice.

Thanks for that @theironfelix, really appreciate it..

This is lovely, Ablaze! Always been fascinated by metamorphosis and the life-cycle of frogs is by far the most interesting of them.

Me too :o) The catterpillar to butterfly one is amazing as well... I love them in both states :o) the cocoon, not so much :o)

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