Access Codes to 5th Dimension

The dark matrix shudders, shakes, regurgitates itself, the purge will be immense, accelerated beyond previous measure. Omygoddess cosmic surfers, if you’re not here on the astral yet, get to it. Down tools. drop everything you’re doing on the material plane. Meditate. Dance. Release your soul to the light. We are here. We are the seers, the truth bearers, the light seekers and seed sowers. We are the mothers of dragons, the guardians of Gaia, cosmic light Empress who nurture, nourish and grow all that is to be brought into light. Angels walk the streets of the matrix. Mega boost power packs downloaded, permanent upgrades. The levels dissolve as we transcend them, our connectivity to lower realms lessens, we are vibrating out of the matrix whilst inside it. A feat of total and complete awesomeness folks! The party is ongoing, tribal, sensual, magnetic, euphoric, ecstatic, glorious, heavenly. Keep doing the work. Clear karma, cut the cords, break chains, dissolve dark wizardry. The world is magnificent, interactive, lit. Transcendental. Cosmic.

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