Underwater photography with @eveuncovered

in #fieryfootprints6 years ago (edited)

"Battle at the bottom"     

my model: @eveuncovered

this time I am not sure in which post I found photo for body outline but it was this photo:

Mermaid woke up very early and left her tiny sea hole in a rush. Without even eating her summer soup. While swimming to the surface she had a snack- few sandwiches with nutella. She arived to her destination a bit sooner than expected. So for some time mermaid simply enjoyed waves touching her bare skin. Playing with her hair, making various faces and observing their reflections in the water also helped to spend another hour. And then it finally came. Sunrise. Slowly emerging from the sea and climbing to the heavens. Like a little childish girl mermaid with great envy  watched how magical fireball was going up. What does the sun see when it is so high in the sky? What secrets of the world open before its eye? These and similar questions were constanly on her mind. Seas were wide and full of interesting creatures and plants. And yet is seemed like a prison.  Curious mind was craving to explore new horizons and to experience new things. If only she could have a pair of legs... What wonderful adventures, what lingering sensations would await of her... These dreams were perhaps a bit more than a naive childish fantasy. Some time ago old and wise sea zebra read her hand and prophesied that one day mermaid will meet and dance with a monster and this encounter will allow her to reach new heights. These words gave adventure seeker some hope. So she waited. Prophecy did not fulfill itself the next day. Or the day after... But hope remained. ‘‘Not today? Maybe tomorrow‘‘ mermaid often said to herself.  

  That day didn't seem to be different from any other. The usual routine. Usual activities and usual dreams. And yet something had to happen. She a felt strange excitement. Throughout a day this weird sensation kept on growing stronger. And wilder. It reached the peak in the evening. What happened then was quite unexpected. Strange siluet appeared in the horizon. Dreamer recognized this being from the tales she heard as a child. Still it was hard to believe that sea snake with two heads could exist. And yet it was truth. Even from that far away weird creature was already looking right into mermaid's eyes. Neither of them was willing to lower the gaze. They approached each other in the middle of the sea and then began their promised dance.  

     They jumped at each other at the same time. Mermaid was more nimble but she still had trouble avoiding snake‘s attacks. Predicting what her opponent's heads will do was difficult. At times they moved in sync with one another. Other times one head acted as a distraction. Situation was becoming more and more challenging but then mermaid felt adrenaline rushing through her body. And finally let herself loose. Normal solutions didn‘t help with this adversary. So she tried something outside of realm of normal logic. She wrapped her hands and tail around the monstrous snake. Cuddling tightly to it‘s body. They were now so close that neither head was able to reach her target. Biting was no loner an option so snake came up with new idea. It started wesling with it‘s load. Both of them aimed to be at the top so struggle continued. Both bodies started radiating with heat. Their duel scared all spectators away long time ago. But opponents didn't notice. They could not afford to look at suroundings. Besides more interesting things were happening in front of their eyes.  

 Unlike all other inhabitants of sea Mermaid was not afraid. Perhaps adrenaline was stronger than fear. Or perhaps she was an anomaly. A weirdo. But strangely enough this passionate ride on the snake made her cry with tears of joy. If you can believe it she even smiled in the middle of the fight! ‘‘This is so much fun!‘‘ she thought to herself. ‘‘Fuck it...At the moment I don‘t even need any legs to be happy- I guess that old hag zebra was right after all...I am at the top of the world!‘‘ Neither fighter noticed that their struggle had taken them to the bottom of the sea. At this point both their bodies were filled with incredible heat. Mermaid's tail‘s muscles were tired. She slightly changed it‘s position. This was enough for snake to free one of her heads. In a blink of eye snake was below mermaid‘s belly. A bite. Tongue, moving around. Slower, faster... Mermaid sighed with delight. But then she realised that she is hungry as well.  No surprise here. This morning she didn't eat her usual summer soup. And all this struggle only increased her appetite. Besides why not fight fire with fire? Mermaid started strangling other snake‘s head... and then grabbed it with her mouth like a wild animal. At first she only tasted with a tip of her tongue. But it was not enough. She wanted more.... Free head of snake reacted to this new kind of threat by trying to eat her opponent faster. At some point snake spit out a hot waterfal inside of mermaid‘s mouth. A fountain of youth perhaps? Doesn‘t matter. For the moment Mermaid and snake were united and tied together by a blissful passion. And their fight was not going to end any time soon. 

 Copyright (c) 2018 Simonas Tuinyla, Corel Corporation and its licensors. All rights reserved. 

Thanks to @reinhard-schmid and @whornung you inspired me to take a step forward. As you can see this step was still on a trial ground. Originally this was supposed to be just one of few tests. But it was fun and think that sooner or later I will have to make a full jump into animation world.

And of course Eve. Thanks for your consent to this 😉   


If that isn't a clickbait title, then I don't know what is 😂😂😂

Damn you quick! upvoting without reading? Quite a lot of trust😝

Can I borrow it?

Sure, no problem.

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

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