Clara's New Life..

in #fiction7 years ago

One day..
A car was found in the abyss of a suspected accident victim. The cops who found him were surprised to see a 10-year-old girl alive. The boy was taken to the hospital. The child's injuries were quite serious, he had bruises on his head and several scratches on his hands and feet. The doctor declares that the child is suffering from amnesia (memory loss). The doctor advised the police not to interview the child first.
Due to the amnesia, the child forgot what his name. But when the police found him, he wore a necklace that read 'Clara'. From there people know his name Clara.

4 years later ..
For 4 years at the Orphanage, no one has yet to adopt Clara. He felt almost desperate and sad. How come? None of the orphans want to be friends with her. She was ostracized for having too white skin, aloof and bizarre.

Until one afternoon, Clara decided to leave the room and sit in the orphanage garden.
He just sat alone, while the children around him went away. Clara can hear the children say,
"Hey see ..! That's Clara the freak, she's very pale yes .. "said a child named Nina to his friend
"Yeah, let's go ..! We can be bad luck if nearby "said the girl with short hair
"Come on! I do not want to hurt .. He's weird! "
Then they left, Clara bowed and cried.
"Why am I weird? Why .. "Clara wondered to herself

For a few moments Clara just daydreams in the park, until she hears the car clason that shocks her. Clara turned around, the silver Avanza stopped at the Orphanage. Clara walks toward the car, she hopes someone will come and want to adopt her. A man got out of the car and stared straight at Clara. He was the same age as the Head Mother, she was dressed in black and her skin was as pale as Clara. His face is handsome and he has a keen look.
Clara just stared at the man, until finally he smiled and Clara smiled. Clara's feeling warmed up immediately, Clara looked at him expectantly. Hope he will take him away and introduce Clara to a beautiful world.

The man paused at Clara for a moment, sensing the different and powerful energy of Clara. She must not be an ordinary child, she thought. Is he the child he is looking for?
The man smiled, then stepped into the Orphanage.

Clara fell silent, so long there are many people who want to adopt it. But they always cancel their intentions, after hearing the child's story that Clara is weird. Every time Clara plays with the kids at the orphanage .. there's always an accident. That's what keeps people away from Clara.

"Was imagination adopted? Ha? Do not dream..!! What a strange girl! "Nina sneered
"I'm not a Weird Girl !!" spurted Clara angrily
Nina just laughs and leaves, Clara bursts into tears and runs into the room.

soon, heard one knocked his room. Clara directly rise and open the door, mother head orphanage standing in front of Clara, "you have guest Clara" said mother Lia, head of the orphanage "who?" "this pack Andy, he came want mengadopsimu" "hay Clara, still remember me?" Sapa man was smiling Clara only nodded, "mom Lia, I could talk alone with Clara?" Pinta Pak Andy mom Lia nodded smile, then go away. Clara let Pak Andy entry, Pak Andy chair learn Clara. Clara own sitting on the edge of the bed, facing Pak Andy. "from the mother Lia and children's home .. they menjulukimu strange isn't it?" said Mr. Andy "ehmm .... Yes, Sir, I don't know why? strange events always happens every there me. such goods moved itself, in fact I totally not touch it .." Clara ready to cry "Yes, Clara, don't cry .. I understand kebingunganmu. that you need now is how to handle it. telekinesis is not a rarity, but Grace? and I want to invite you to school, where I teach .." "school ?? where is it?" asked Clara suspicious also curious "Yes, somewhere much .." "but ..." Clara doubt, what he can believe? "quiet Clara .. can you believe me, you can live and learn there with friends your new" said Mr. Andy as know what's in mind Clara Clara only silent, Clara expect him to adopt and want to be his father. provide affection and life parent-child in general. However, the man even offered school .. that somewhere and what? "of course I will mengadopsimu Clara, you can also thinks dad if you want? I don't have a daughter, you could be a daughter at once my student. school was full children extraordinary like you .." Clara directly membelalakan eyes, surprised. Pak Andy like to know what Clara want? and what is Clara think, "Yes Clara, I can read the mind," said Mr. Andy Clara must be a wink several times, to ingest spiel Pak Andy. true? telepathy, some people is able to do so. not an oddity anyone who has telepathy strong, even can see it ghaib elfin. "you can't believe me? already told you, I can read the mind Clara. I just like you" "the same like me? do you mean?" Clara look confused "if you only can menggerak objects, then I can read the mind. we was awarded the ability and superhuman strength Clara .. that's how I call it! I think, I used to also strange. but after school that, I no longer feel weird or considered strange. you don't want to happy Clara?" "HM .. Yes, I feel lonely and own here. I want to have your friends and feel happy .." "so what are you waiting for? what you want to old and dead here? no place and friends are waiting for Clara .. believe me" Clara paused, he looked at in the eyes of Pak Andy. looking for know the seriousness of that Mr. Andy said honest, "believe me Clara, I did not intend bad for you" Clara sighed, "well, when we go?" "tomorrow morning, I will pick you up eight o'clock. should, now you pack your things, I had to go back to the room mom Lia to take care of letters adopsimu" Mr. Andy stand Clara come up, "thank you .." hesitate Clara smiled and Mr. Andy reply with a smile as well. the next day, after carry bag and farewell with mom Lia .. Clara wait Pak Andy on the Terrace orphanage. when he came out, Wall clock still shows at 7.50 .. "still 10 minutes again" he said in the heart. kids home looked Clara with gaze envy and envy. "how can Clara adopted? he is a pretty, but he is the very strange .." think Nina "he will definitely be expelled after the father of the conscious .. if Clara very strange and ill-fated!" cibir Nina "Yaa! I agree !!" said a girl short hair always with Nina Clara only still hear comments friend pantinya it, they are always evil him. Clara look away to the way, and a sense of ketidaksabarannya directly lost when see car avanza siver Pak Andy entering the page orphanage. Pak Andy straight down the car and came Clara was smiling greet him. mom Lia also out and came Clara. then Pak Andy farewell to mom Heather, Mrs Lia hugging Clara and whisper something to ear Clara. "forgive mother and your friends for this Clara .. to be honest mother very love you" mom Lia shed tears "Clara know mom .. Clara also sorry already a hassle mother, terimaksih mom .. Clara also love mom Lia" said Clara sincere during this time mom Lia is always good on Clara, he often defend Clara despite all the blame. then they split and Clara go into the car Pak Andy. car moves out pages home and away, getting away from urban and the Highway. "is the school is very much?" asked Clara enthusiastic "well, far enough! you can sleep Clara, we will be in the car for 5 hours an" Clara also realize his back to the back of the car, eventually he sleepy and asleep. whether how long Clara asleep, he woke when feel the cold. it turns out car entering the Forest area, whether where is this? Clara not know and choose the silent. few minutes later, Clara see the fence towering and cars stopped in front of a gate. Clara don't understand how can no building in the middle of the Forest like this? "full Red" that's the name posted on the gate. "wait here Clara, I had to go down a little while" Mr. Andy was down the car and walk to the front gate. suddenly Gates open and Clara surprised, light straight poke eyes Clara. he was forced to be closed his eyes, Pak Andy in the car. when the car in and gate sealed, light it disappeared. Clara eye-opening and .. woww .. !! it is amazing, a school buildings stand luxury and magnificent in front of his eyes. car Pak Andy past the page broad very beautiful, there Park even fountains and 3 statue of God-dewinya.

What did you do then sir? Why the Gate can open just like that .. Da-and bright light .. make my eyes glare! "Clara said haltingly
"Hahahahh .. You'll be more surprised when you go inside and meet your new friends Clara" replied Pan Andy casually
"Am I really on Earth?" Clara asked in amazement
"Yes! Of course .. Where do you think? Outer space?? Hahah .. Come Clara! You can have fun here "
"Is everyone here good?"
"We are also human Clara .. and not everyone is good-hearted, although basically they also have a good side. Be smart for friends, here too dangerous. You have to be careful, especially when using your abilities "
"My ability?"
"Yes, you can move things just by staring and giving him the command"
"Is it true?"
"Of course, try it!"
Clara concentrated on the bottle in front of the car, 'moving!' He ordered. But nothing happened, Clara tried once more, but there was still no reaction. "You still have a lot to learn Clara .." said Mr. Andy with a smile

Car stopped in front of the school entrance, Clara got off the car and followed Mr. Andy. Again Clara could only gawk and be amazed. The school building and decoration is very modern and artfully beautiful. Clara can see the children her age is studying in the classes. They learn quietly and seem to be exciting. Because there is a class full of laughter of the students.

Clara and Mr. Andy walk into the principal's room. Bu Mega the Principal, who looks young and angun, also smart immediately stood up and invited them to sit on the sofa room. He greeted and explained some of the school rules to Clara. Clara just nods and accepts every rule.
"So I'll stay here?" Clara asked confidently
"Yes, Clara, Mr. Andy will take you. All the students here live in the dorms "and Mrs. Mega smiled so beautifully
After receiving a brown envelope from Bu Mega, Clara followed Mr. Andy to the dorm and his room.

Clara enters Dorm 3, Mr. Andy knocks on the door and a sweet girl opens the door. She is Clara's roommate, after Mr. Andy's gone .. Clara enters the room.
"Are you a new kid? From where? Oiya, what's your name? "
"Yeah, I'm from an orphanage and my name is Clara .. you alone?"
"I'm Jessica, I also come from the Orphanage .. I'm glad you're here" Jessica said with a sweet smile
"Happy? Why?"
"Because I'm tired of one room alone .." Jessica laughed and Clara somehow so joined in laughing
"Oiya, what is your strength?"
"Moving things .. but I have a lot to learn .." Clara said quietly
"Hey! Why are you talking so softly Clara? Do not hesitate .. I'm your friend now, I can grow the plant "
"Oh, yes??"
Then Clara and Jessica exchanged stories and chats, today Pak Andy's class is off because of Clara. It turns out Jessica really can grow plants, deserve their room full of green plants and beautiful flowers. Jessica is a kind of chatty and cool chatter, while Clara is quiet and kind.

Clara is ready with her school uniform, she smiles in front of the mirror. Looking at himself in a white shirt and short blue skirt, he also wore a matching suit. Her new shoe is very clean and shiny, Clara's hair is left loose.
"You are so beautiful ..!" Jessica praised who was standing in front of the mirror
"Thank you .. but you are also very beautiful ..!"
And they ended up laughing together. It's great to have a friend, Clara thought.

Done with her performance, Clara and Jessica leave the room and the dorm. They are the way to his class, Clara encounters many disciples. They also look beautiful and cool-cool with a uniform. Clara is often surprised to see the children show off their skills. They are cool to joke with each other. Several eyes stared at Clara, there was a smile, there is also just ignore.

The school bell rang, Clara and Jessica entered the classroom. All the classmates glanced straight at Clara. Jessica takes over to acquaint Clara with her friends. It turns out Jessica is the vice chairman of the class. Clara's new friends look friendly and friendly, there are 15 people in her class. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Andy came. Clara smiled immediately, but she instantly felt her grip and her heart pounding .. when she saw the boy behind Mr. Andy. Well, he's very handsome ..

Mr. Andy had once again introduced Clara, but Clara's eyes focused instead on the boy, who was now sitting in his chair. Unexpectedly, Clara sat behind the boy. Clara immediately followed the lesson carefully.

At break time, Jessica went straight to Clara's desk. Some girls also get acquainted with Clara. There are also those who do not care about Clara at all, including the boy in front of her.
"Do you like Andre?" Jessica whispered
"Ha?" Clara could only gawk
"That's tuh .. who sat in front of you, he's the head of the class here .. you like yaaa?" Jessica ledek
"Em-enggak .." Clara's cheeks flushed
Jessica even laughed, then they went to the cafeteria. Clara was silent with Jessica, many eyes staring intently at Clara. As Clara walks down the stairs, suddenly she falls and her feet bleed. Clara grimaced, her knees aching.
"Oh my God Clara !!" Jesica jumps straight in front of Clara "There must be something you're doing! Who is it!! How dare he .. you not papa? "Jessica helped Clara stand up
"Not papa jess .."
"Your legs why?" The girl's voice made them turn
"Mirna ??" Jessica replied
"Hay Jess, your knee why?" Mirna covered Clara's wound with her hands and suddenly the wound was gone without a trace
"Ka-ka-you ..?" Clara said haltingly
"She's Mirna Clar .. she's got skill wounded and sick .. except hurt." Jessica laughed
And they laughed together, it turned out that Mirna had treating skills like nurses and doctors. Absolutely Magic.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, the three of them immediately took food and occupied the table. They are cool chatting like friends and friends in general. Although Mirna different class, it turns out he was familiar with Jessica. Because they are both vice chairman of the class. Clara listened closely to Mirna's story, but when Clara glanced at Jessica .. she was busy watching other people. After Mirna leaves, Clara immediately teases Jessica.
"Cieee .. who's Jess ??"
"What the hell?" Jessica's cheeks flushed
"Did you see who it was from this guy .. boy right? Who is Jess .. your boyfriend? Ganteng ya .. more handsome than Andre instead .. "
"Yee .. do you like him?" Jessica glared at Clara
"Ya-ya enggaklah .. I already like the other" Clara's cheeks flushed
"Andree yaaa .. hayoo admitted .." Jessica teased back
Clara's cheeks flushed, it turns out she's fallen in love with Andre. Because during the class, he so often grunt when he saw Andre, not to mention if you want to sleep .. Clara to not sleep because of thinking Andre .. smile until kebawa dream.

The next morning, Clara hurried to class. Because he woke up late, "It must be thinking of Andre! why did Jessica not build me up? "Clara ran hastily
"Bukk !!" "Adduh !!"
Clara bumps with .. .. with .. Oh my goodness, Clara instantly fell silent and stared at Andre. "You are not papa?" Andre helped Clara stand up
Clara just kept quiet, fascinated. He could not speak ... he just nodded like a robot. Then their eyes met. "Ehemm!" Mr. Andy's voice cleared his throat, making them startled and move away. Clara's cheeks flushed, Andre himself immediately grinned into the classroom. Clara caught up with her.

Ever since the collision, Clara and Andre got closer and closer. And it turns out Andre is the son of Mr. Andy. Now Clara already has many friends, also friends like Jessica and Mirna. Andre has the power of mind reading, so he knows that Clara likes it. And finally Clara can use her power well and be more useful. Like helping school attendants move cabinets, setting tables and chairs. He is also very happy with the new school and his garden friends.
Now Clara realized why the people in the orphanage thought it strange ..
As it turns out, Clara is a wonderful child.


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