Travels in the County of the Moon
A series of tales that relate the journey of Tomas Pots, a Recorder from Central Gathering, sent to observe and record the unsettling events within the mysterious County of the Moon.
Set in a middle future world of risen waters and warm humid climate, much of humanity has returned to a more basic state of existence. Without the convenience of global consumer culture providing the basics of survival most people no longer live in traditional urban settings but have migrated along old highways and settled by the sides of these roads. The fronts of their shanty houses are well served by the ageing tarmac which still allows what wheeled traffic there is to pass while the backs lead out to fields where they collectively grow the food needed to keep them and their neighbours alive. Burning is no longer an accepted part of life due to it's effect on their current state of affairs and anybody found combusting anything in any way is quickly stopped, punished and ostracised. This includes vehicles, cooking, smoking or shooting a gun. Any technology that works is either mechanically driven or electrically powered with renewable sources. There are still nuclear power stations running in Central Gathering areas but most of the ancient ones were flooded and the signs of that power source is strong.
The County of the a Moon has been isolating itself further from the rest of the island chain it is connected to and it's people seem to prefer to believe wild imaginings than plain fact. This doesn't fit well with Central Gathering and their philosophy so they want Tomas to investigate and if necessary, interfere.
I'd love to see some illustrations to go with this.. a steemit bestseller ! There's also a new blockchain publishing platform coming up called authorship. check it out