Justin Time (Final Chapter) An Original Science Fiction Novel

in #fiction8 years ago


Being the final chapter, I want to thank everyone for their support. Up to now I have had very few questions or comments regarding my novel. I warmly welcome any questions or comments. Thank you.

Link to beginning of story:


Link to Chapter 36: A Good Sense of Humor


Final Chapter: Larry Says

"We are going to play a simple game of Larry says. I am going to stand behind you with this mallet. Then I am going to say as an example. Larry says to lift your right foot. If you lift your right foot, then all will be good. However, if you do not lift your right foot, then I will hit you on the head with this mallet. It shouldn't hurt too much because it is rubber. If you are unlucky it may crack your skull. Oh well, shit happens.", he laughed.

"Next rule, if I don't start my statement with Larry says, and you still obey the order, then you get bonked with the mallet. Sounds simple enough? Are there any questions?"

"None. Good, then I will begin."

Larry walked directly behind William who was now bleeding severely from both knees.

"Larry says, bark like a dog."

"Bow wow. Bow wow.", wailed William.

"That is a terrible bark. But because I am a forgiving man, I will let that one pass. He then stood behind Katherine who was shaking drastically.

Van Morrison yelled, "Bark like a dog!"

"Katherine quickly yelped, ruff ruff." 

"That was a much better bark than little Willy's. However, Larry didn't say. Because I didn't say, 'Larry says', you get this. Larry raised the mallet above Katherine's head and swung down. He hit Katherine directly on the top of her head. Katherine let out an ear piercing screech.

"William yelled, "Please stop."

The other women bawled harder.

"Did I hear a crack? Was that your head Mrs world famous scientist?"

Katherine started feeling very woozy. She suddenly threw up.

“Look at that Mrs. world famous scientist. You are making a mess on your carpet, just like little Willie.”

Larry then, went back around and picked up the electric drill. He then grabbed the extension cord and plugged it into a near by socket.  He then walked around to the front of them standing next to the urn. He squeezed the drill trigger once and he was happy to see that the drill was in perfect working order.

“I hope you are enjoying your front row seat dear. Isn't this fun?”

"Now the mallet was for practice. We are going to up the stakes of our game, 'Larry says'. Now when I stand behind you, if you screw up, then you will face the drill. The good news is, if you die, then I will name the drill after you. Just like I named my 357 magnum here, 'Hannity'.”, said Van Morrison holding the gun in his other hand and swaying it front of them. 

"What was that? I heard something!", said Van Morrison as he turned around.

Suddenly, flying from the upstairs landing at the stairwell soared Justin who landed directly on Van Morrison knocking the urn down as well as his gun. Ashes from the urn flew everywhere.

"Oh no sweetheart!", yelled Van Morrison as he saw the dust clouds of ashes.

"You will pay for this!", he yelled as he stood back up and propelled the drill at Justin.  Larry kept jabbing with the drill as Justin continued to dodge it. Real quickly, Larry grabbed some excess ashes from the floor and threw it in Justin's eyes temporarily blinding him.  "Sorry dear. You know I would do the same for you.", apologized Van Morrison as he thrust towards a blinded Justin with the drill and KONK!  Larry collapsed to the ground. Behind him was Blair with the mallet in his hand.

Realizing what had just happened, everyone cheered.

"I thought you were dead.", slurred Katherine. 

"I was still wearing my bullet proof vest. One bullet got through on the side and I guess I was unconscious for a bit.", said Blair who was still wobbly.

Connie rushed over to Blair. "Where is your first aid kit?"

"Downstairs bathroom medicine cabinet.", yelled William.

Connie looking back at Katherine noticed that she had just passed out on the chair.

"Justin, call 911 quickly.", ordered Connie.

While Justin was calling, Blair began untying everyone.

The ambulance arrived within 30 minutes along with the police . Larry Van Morrison was apprehended and everyone else were all rushed to the hospital.

Katherine had a concussion, so the doctors suggested that should be monitored.  The bullet that had penetrated Blair, hit no vital organs and was removed. William had one knee that was fractured and the other wound was directly above the knee, but not serious. However, he would have to be in a wheel chair for a few weeks.

After a few hours at the hospital, they were all released.

It was now evening and they were all extremely hungry. So they decided to go to William's restaurant, the gourmet grille. The restaurant crew were all shocked when they saw William being escorted in a wheel chair. William assured them that he was okay and he will let them know the details later. They were all seated at a quiet table.

“Order whatever you want, the meal will be compliments of the Gourmet Grille", said William.

They were all going over the accounts of what had happened and felt fortunate that nobody got seriously injured.

“There is something I need to tell you.”, said Justin sadly, looking at his mom and dad.

“What's wrong?”, questioned Katherine.

“I am just going to come out and say it. I have an inoperable tumor in my brain. It is growing and..”

“How long have you known about this?”, scolded Katherine.

“I didn't want you to worry so I delayed telling you. I have known about this for a few months.” 

“What? A few months?!  You should of never waited that long!”, yelled Katherine.

“Justin?”, interrupted William.

“I think you should ask your mom what she has been researching on for the past few years?

“Oh yeah”, said Justin who was happy that the subject had changed. “What have you been working on?"

“Well son.”, sarcastically said Katherine. “I have found a non evasive cure for tumors. You should of told me about this three months ago."

Both Justin and Blair's mouth dropped. There was nothing more to say.

“I think this is a good time to discuss something else.”, said William.

“I agree”, said Katherine.  Hey, a thought just occurred to me. "We never saw you enter the house. How did you get upstairs?"

"I climbed through my bedroom window. I thought that if it was good enough for the stranger, then it should be good enough for me.", he smiled and then winked at Blair.

"I didn't even see you run down the stairs.", said Kirstin. “You were so fast.”

"I didn't.", started Justin, "I jum..."

"He flew." Interrupted Blair. "Justin told me one day he would fly and he did."

Sometime in the future, he was sitting at his desk on his leather swivel chair. He begins writing: 

Although I am writing this in the future, you are now reading the final letter. (Hopefully) At this point I can explain much more to you. Although your intent throughout this undertaking was to find a solution for your  tumor, indirectly that had been accomplished. Although you currently still have a tumor, we had to go through this experience mainly to keep you, your father and especially your mother alive. From your perspective, you had gone back in time and accomplished your objectives for the most part. In reality, there were many mistakes and errors, therefore changes and adjustments were made to the instructions by having you go back to the same situation repeatedly until the desired result was achieved.    You also may have questions about why you were lead to believe that you should warn your younger self to not go into the car. Everything that happens has a cause in effect. Usually the 'cause and effect' happen indirectly. If you didn't see that 'stranger' in your room, the impact on your life, although very different would of been worse. Everything happens for a reason. Often we are unaware of that reason.


Finishing his last written instruction, he put the pen down.  Blair knew that he was fortunate that he possessed the gift of forgery making his handwriting look just like Justin's. He also knew that if Justin thought the letters came from Blair, then Justin would ad-lib and not follow the instructions exactly.  With a great sense of contentment, Blair leaned in his chair and smiled. 

I want to thank my readers again. Please feel free to make comments. With enough encouragement, I may make a sequel...sometime in the future :)

Gratefully Yours,

Michael P,

The author.

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