The Yggdrasil Highway Saga <center>

#33: Egg Delivery
"So what's his name" Sgt Hobbs asked Kraki, speaking of the Dragon who had just hand delivered a basket of eggs to the camp below.
"Her name is Herja" Kraki replied. The two humans understood him perfectly.
"It means 'The Wild and Stormy One' " intoned Kara " and she means it too...sometimes"
Sgt. Hobbs and the Texan almost choked on their coffee. They no trouble understanding anything at all now.
"I'm hungry" said the little guy jumping up and down like a young boy. "Kara is hungry too. Herja is hungry. We're both hungry, we're all hungry. We have eggs now. Can we eat? Huh? Can we eat breakfast with you?"
"I suppose we can do that" said the Texan stroking his beard. "we certainly have enough meat."
"Can Herja's friends come too?" asked Kraki. He had a suspicious gleam in his eye . He also continued to bounce almost to the point of doing back flips. Kara wasn't much better. It was like watching a pair of restless ten year olds.
"I'm almost afraid to ask" muttered the Texan "what friends"
On a hunch Hobbs leaned back and looked up...and up and up. "up there sir. Look straight up above us.....way high".
The Texan thought he knew what Hobbs was referring to be he also turned to look. He looked straight up and there they were. Very, very high but discernible. A large number of flyers.
" we have that much meat ?" said Sgt. Hobbs.
"They each have a basket of eggs too." Kraki said still bouncing.
"Where'd they get all the eggs?" asked the Texan wondering if he wanted to know.
"There's a bunch of big ground birds not too far from here. Mean ones. Kind of like the ones you killed Captain but different." panted the bouncing child "Dragons like to steal their eggs. It’s a fun game. Eggs are good eating. Sometimes they eat the bird too. I'm hungry. Are you hungry? Kara is hungry."
"Excuse me folks" Sgt. Halsey nodded toward the group "sir" he nodded toward the Texas Captain. "one more time".
The Texan nodded back and covered his ears. Kara and Kraki used both hands to cover their ears as did everyone else. Damned Sgt. seemed to be getting louder each time.
Assuming that meant he had permission, the Sergeant turned once more toward the camp.
"I SAY AGAIN" He bellowed even louder if that was possible...he was showing off. " KEEP YOUR DAMN PAWS AWAY FROM ANY WEAPONS. WE HAVE VISITORS DROPPING IN"
He turned to the group..."Ok...I hope"
From high above they saw a rippling, coruscation of scintillating light. "Dragon talk" said Kraki. " you'll get used to it. "where do you want the eggs?"
Halsey looked at the Texan and shrugged. The Texan grimaced, nodded his head and covered his ears once more, as did the others. Halsey turned and shouted once more toward the camp, not quite as loud, he was actually getting a bit winded.
Someone did that. Some Army Blankets were spread out to to make a big square in an open area, the corners we weighted with stones..... then everyone formed a circle a ways back to watch.
" Perfect. Watch this, they like to show off." said Kraki
Kara waved a "go" signal and things began to happen overhead.
The dragons did a fly by at a lower altitude so everyone could see them. On the return pass they had formed a line one behind the other. As the first passed over the campsite, sequentially, mere seconds apart, like giant raptors stooping on their prey, they dove for the blanket patch, one behind the other.
Each sky dragon was stooping so fast that it was a barely visible streak. When it spread it's wings it stroked hard downwards and almost instantly stopped in midair, a scant foot or two above the blankets. It seemed to materialize out of empty space. For a bare instant it hung motionless. Then It sat the basket of eggs down gently while explosively grabbing air. Wings blurred as it scrambled to get out of the way. The next dragon streaked into the space it had just vacated.
This happened time after time after time. The dragon's followed each other so rapidly that it was difficult to distinguish individuals. The booming sound of their opening wings was like that huge sails flapping in a gale. Perhaps that of a Man-o-war.. "whump...whap, whump...whap, whump...whap…...."
When it was over there was large cluster of baskets, almost covering the blankets. When the last dragon had ‘landed’ all of the other dragons were in a circle hovering over the circled crowd. When the last basket touched the ground everyone burst into applause. The “ice’ was broken. Pent up anxiety and tension had released.
One of the older human females majestically strode out toward the baskets, her skirts billowing and flapping like a tall ship under full sail.
"What's the matter ladies?" she scoffed at the younger women "haven't you ever seen eggs delivered before? Get to crackin'...we have hungry people to feed".
One of the younger girls muttered under her breath as she ran toward the eggs.." God I wonder how they deliver milk!".
Next Episode
#34: Breakfast…
Previous Episode
#32: There be dragons…
First Episode
# 1 : In the beginning…
I write
I have other books on Amazon.
Sometimes I also comment on the news
Sometimes it's hard to tell fiction from the news.
I suspected you are interested in Norse Mythology. I have built a gang of men called the Berserkers here in Germany. Mjolnir necklets and tshirts for full members. Trial is 6 months with a fitness test afterwards and a lifetime oath.
Anyway, I am still learning about Norse mythology. Our fitness tests are made to see how physically fit the man is and if he can go all out. That means raging through the street fighting course which is 3 against the person who wants to be a full member. With gloves of course.
Inspired by the berserkergang, need to see how committed the man is.
The goal is to build our own little world with men who strive for physical, mental and financial mastery who want to have an identity and a purpose in this dead effeminate automated world.
That is a little bit about me as an introduction so to say.
I will check out your blog and leave comments here and there when I am interested in the subject which should not be to hard to find seeing that you are interested in Norse mythology. Hopefully, I learn something new if you write about it :-)
thank you.
I'm somewhat interested in mythology of all types.
My working hypothesis is that there was a civilization prior to the world wide catastrophe
which occured when the continental glaciers melted.
It's a FACT that the sea level rose four hundred feet, very rapidly, during that time. There were associated cataclysms related to all that ice going away. The land under the glaciers rebounded when all that weight was removed causing widespread earthquakes, avalanches, tsunamis...and a lot of other bad stuff.
We are decendents of the survivors...and by all accounts there were very few of them.
Their civilization was in ruins and covered, for the most part, by the ocean. They struggled to survive and told their children how it was before the cataclysm.
the golden age..
Sounds like Ragnarök.
It does doesn't it?
beautiful drawing
thank you for sharing
Do you know my friend the mute button? It does not like spam.