The Broken Chain Link. Ch 2 pt. 2

in #fiction7 years ago

Chapter 2

Authors Note: Hello my readers! Just letting you all know that today-Sunday I am out of town and will not be available to post any content. So, I hope you all can forgive my absence. In the mean time, please enjoy the rest of this chapter! Thank you!

Need to catch up? Read Chapter 1 here!

Read Chapter 2 pt 1 here!

Chapter 2. Part 2

The Escape

The old man grind and clapped his hands together
“Well then, Castus! Welcome to Herb Village! You are our guest until you are fully healed so you may as well come join in the festival!”

Castus was almost surprised by the old man’s kindness. He smiled for the first time in what felt like ages and lightly nodded.
A door was heard opening and closing. In came a small boy of around seventeen

“Ah! Samuel, there you are. Castus, this is my boy.” The old man said as he grabbed a set of fresh new clothes. Samuel was a small but fit build, dark brown curly hair and fair skinned. He seemed shy towards Castus but politely walked up to him and shook his hand “I am glad to see you upright.” he said with a very soft voice. He was not fully grown, but you could see he had not much far to go before he was a man.
Castus smiled calmly at the boy.
“Now, you change. If you need anything ask Samuel or I am just outside helping with the decorations!” The old man said excitedly.

As Castus changed he looked into a small mirror that hung on the wall of the petite room. He combed his callused fingers through his long black hair. He needed to change his appearance some. He looked around the room for some scissors and only found a long shaving blade and began cutting. He did not care what it looked like. He just wanted it gone.

When he stepped out from the bedroom, his hair was shaved completely on one side, the hair that remained was short and poorly cut. He left the bit of facial hair he had growing. Assuming it would help hide his face. He walked around the corner to the living area where Samuel was grinding and separating the herbs his father and he had gathered the day they found Castus. When Samuel turned around he did not expect the newly groomed Castus to be standing there in the archway of the room,
“Holy Monty Hue!” Samuel cried as he leaped and stumbled back
“Goodness man! Be louder next time! You can’t sneak up on a person like that!”

“My apologies! I did not mean to frighten you.” Castus said as he tried to conceal a small laugh.
Samuel rolled his eyes and continued gathering what he needed “Well, make yourself useful and open that door while I take this box out to my father.” Samuel said sarcastically.
This boy may have been shy at first, but Castus could see he wasn’t interested in any nonsense and was not about to let a stranger get in the way of his duties.
“What is this festival for?” Castus asked
“It’s the festival of Sparrows, what else?”
Samuel said, he looked at Castus as he placed the box of herbs and fresh vegetables onto a table outside.
The village was small and surrounded by trees, however everywhere there were lights and lanterns spread all around.

The smell of flowers and food flooded the area, Samuel could see the confusion and intrigue on Castus’s face
“You don’t know the story of the Sparrows?”
Samuel asked, Castus just shook his head. He wasn’t allowed to read or learn much of anything other than letters or books his master made him read allowed to him.
, “Well you know of the four kingdoms? There is Redwood in the South, Silverbrook in the North, Goldbloom in the West and finally Greenlock in the East. But, a long time ago there was a fifth kingdom known as Spero.” Samuel explained, he pointed at a table and gestured to Castus to lift one end and guided him to where they should place it. Castus looked at everyone preparing and Samuel continued as they worked “ Spero was in the centre of the land and reigned over the other four countries. The king and queen were said to have been very kind, noble and just rulers of the land. The people of Spero were also said to have been very powerful, few even believe they had powers that are now forgotten. Though, a little under a century ago Spero was mysteriously destroyed. I am not sure I believe such a thing ever existed, but the festival is so we do not forget the, supposed, Kingdom we lost. At the same time, it is also the day the Sparrows migrate back to the forest for Spring.”

Later that evening Castus watched the people group together around a large fire. Everyone sang songs and told stories, some about the old Spero kingdom and some about other legends. He listened to every word with intent.
The old man came up to Castus with mug of beer in each hand, he handed the second mug to Castus
“Ah, there you are. Almost didn’t recognize you with your strange new look. Are you feeling better?”

“I am. I am fascinated by your customs.” Castus said with wondering eyes.
“Our customs are not that strange. We just don’t follow that damned Lord Dominicus, when we can help it.” the old man whispered with a chuckle.

Castus quickly glanced at the old man “What did you say?”

The old man took a large drink from his mug “Lord Dominicus, he rules the Redwood castle, not more than 3 days from here. He believes we should all forget about the prophecy and the old kingdom altogether! The power grubbing sod.”

Castus thought to himself for a moment
“Is something wrong, boy?” the old man asked worriedly

Castus broke thought “Do you?” he paused, but hesitantly spoke once more “Do you not trust, Lord Dominicus?”

“Not as far as I can throw him! Which I believe with his build could be rather far!” The old man let out a loud laugh. "Why do you ask?"

“I was his slave… and bodyguard.” Castus said, he then explained his situation to the old man, and how he has no memory of his past from before he was taken. The music grew louder and the people began to cheer, it was time for the Sparrows to fly over the village.
The old man’s eyes widened as Castus finished his story, when they both looked up and saw that no Sparrows were flying over head.
The old man glanced at the empty sky and whispered “It’s… It’s you…” He quickly looked back at Castus and grabbed him by the arm, violently whispering “Come with me!”
They rushed into the old man’s house. Castus was very confused and almost frightened, was the old man about to give him back to his previous owner as he feared?
He would not go back to that life, no longer would he be Callaris.

The old man turned and looked at the trembling young man “When Lord Dominicus disappeared for 5 years and then suddenly returned from his so called expedition of peace, I just knew something was wrong. But I never thought he would actually find the living bloody prophecy!” the old man shouted with both fear and excitement.

Castus’s heart sunk “What prophecy?”
“I worked for Dominicus for several years as a young man, the son of a bitch fired me and several other men about fifteen years ago. When he disappeared and suddenly reappeared. It’s all too suspicious!” he continued “It was said that when the Spero kingdom was destroyed that a princess escaped. She was with child! The prophecy states that the decendant of the escaped princess would return, with a pure past and the green eyes of the royal blood! Sparrows won't fly, a usurper will rise and only fire will cleans the land.”
The old man's words trailed off with almost excitement in his voice.
“But how are your sure it is I you speak of?”
“There is only one way to be sure, you must find the Moon Crows. They will take you to the Silverbrook kingdom and their king will know!”

Just then Samuel walked into the house eagerly “Father! The Sparrows did not fly! Isn’t that strange? I wonder what is going on-”

The old man began to speak before his son could finish “My boy, our friend is leaving and you must go with him! You must lead him to Silverbrook!”

The old man exclaimed as he packed to sacks full of food and clothing

“But why? What is going on?” Samuel asked

“I am not sure. But you must do this. No matter what happens! You must take Castus to Silverbrook.”

Just then they could hear horses enter the village

The old man’s eyes grew “They are here.”

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