Food Fight Friday #FFF i fell

in #fff6 years ago

I fell off my diet. I like plants. I like aspartame apparently also.




Haha… I used to love aspartame… Diet Coke all day long. I thought I was doing better when I switched to diet Hansen root beer, which I believe doesn’t have aspartame but probably has other bad things. Your din din is looking good @weirdheadaches, lookin good!

Lol, yes i love diet cokes! I unfortunately cant drink coffee anymore but had no issues with diet cokes. Thought i was doing good on 3 a day but i cant stand that crap going in my body. Then the diet coke came out with the bigger label that said "zero sugar". That haunted me cuz everytime i took a sip i thought "yeah zero sugar but freaking Aspartame ". Anyway i quit them for a week and i think it pushed me over the edge. No coffee, no cigarettes, no beer, no sugar, no freaking nothing. Just got to me, sorry for the rant. Ty ty :)

That’s frikken awesome! It’s hard to quit all of the stuff we know isn’t good for us. I’ve quit a ton of things in my life and although cigarettes were easier for me, they were a doozy for my husband. I just recently stopped drinking coffee… this was a big one being that’s how I started my day for the better part of my adult life. I didn’t know it was possible to function without it, but my body adjusted fairly quickly. It’s the sugar thing that is my cryponite. I make treats with coconut sugar or dates, diluting myself into thinking that “this” isn’t sugar, but my body reacts to all of it the same. Letting go of too much, too quickly has always been my downfall. Sugar is the last to go for me 😳. You’re doing great @weirdheadaches!

Sugar! Lol. I freaking love coffee and actually believe it has certain benefits. Its really a goal of mine lol to one day be able to drink coffee without it setting off my central nervous system. Luckily i rarely touch sugar. I use to drink a 12pack of mountain dew a day way back when i was 18. Somehow the sugar just fell away for me (winning lol). I appreciate your support and ty. Yeah i saw the coconut sugar on one of your recipes and was like "oh wow never heard of that, maybe another secret healthy " lol but not so much. Better than the usual crap. Brain power sending good vibes )))

I know, I just discovered coconut sugar a few months ago. It’s pretty good with baking and whatever else but in your coffee, Dandays gives it a big thumbs down. He says it tastes peppery or something. I think it’s less processed than white sugar which makes it a tad better but all in all it’s still sugar. I’m such an addict.

P.s. Mountain Dew is gnarly.

Well, @weirdheadaches, can't say that I blame you. That all looks good, and good for you. Except for the aspartame. I'm not sure what to tell you there.

You do have meat on that plate, though, so let's just concentrate on that. I guess the real question is, how did you feel after you ate the meal? Any discernible difference in all the things the strictly meat diet was helping with? And is one meal enough for a significant change in how you feel?

It made me a little sluggish but overall felt tasted good :). Lol concentrate on the meat :). The meat only was a wonderful experience and had so many benefits. I may return in the future but think im going keto where ill have veggies, nuts and natural food. Ive ate keto for years and was able to get in really good shape. I still have 30 or 40lbs to lose :/. Thanks for stopping by @glenalbrethsen it was tasty.

Well, you know how you feel and what's going to be best for you. I could see me getting bored with strictly one food or another myself, so I can't blame you for wanted to incorporate a greater variety. I hope it all works out for you the way you want it to, and losing the unwanted pounds is a good idea, anyway. Much easier to lose when you're younger.

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