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RE: FFFPB&J and an Apple - Food Fight Friday

in #fff6 years ago

You know you probably would win this week's#fff contest if you would have toasted the bread first and then added the peanut butter and jelly. Now, that's the part that fouls me up, the actually cooking part.
I did do a little cooking yesterday. Celebrated five birthdays yesterday at the farm. One of the gifts that my daughter Erica gave me were Mountain Pie makers. Over the summer my daughter and her boy friend spent a couple of days with us and he brought these things with him called Mountain Pie makers. Loved them and asked her if she could bring them up again this time. Well, she did one better, she gave me a couple for my birthday.
These are pics of us making Mountain Pies when she visited over the summer. You can put anything your taste buds desire in between the two slices of bread.



Ready to be loaded up.


Mountain Pie Makers cooking in a bed of coals.


A Mountain Pie with blueberries picked the day before.
A little confectionery sugar and down the old hatch.


This one is with apples and some sort of special cheese, by special I mean something other than Land of Lakes White American.


Here are my new ones. Before using them for the first time they needed to be conditioned. Conditioning involved rubbing down with crisco oil and baking for a couple of minutes in the fire. After they cooled down this process was repeated 4 more times. We did one extra application of grease and baking just for good luck.


Following the conditioning process I was ready to give it a shot.

Packed my first attempt with pepperoni, mozzarella, and some red sauce.

What a freakin mess. Got a little too pumped up.

Forgot to put a piece of bread on top, by the time I pulled it from the bed of coals and opened it up it was burnt to a crisp.

Took me 15 minutes to chisel off the burnt ingredients from the gadget.

I attributed that disaster to the learning curve.

Second attempt same ingredients. With salivary glands producing saliva like one of Pavlo's dogs, I would not be denied.

This poor slice is just a body double I cooked up in order to provide you with a visual of my second attempt. White Wonder is presently laid up with 5th degree burns.


Being a college grad and all, my hypotenuse was that the fire was a little to hot😢😢😢!


My Granddaughter Peyton loved it, and now occupies a special place in my heart.😍😍😍


People can be so cruel. You would expect that family members would cut you a little slack, but their reaction of laughter, shock, and wonderment has set me back several years. I don't think I am quite ready for #fff, do you?


Thanks for the heads up on the Hachiya Persimmons.

Once again your content has put a smile on my face. I am up a little earlier than usual, and was concerned that my laughter wood wake the household.

Funny stuff and thanks for the mention, you guys are the best! 👍👍👍

#theluvbug is just that, she spreads a lot of luv.

#janie is the wonderful young lady that runs this service. Give her a look. She is also a lover of food, and just recently did her first video on none other than Food.


I’m glad you didn’t miss this one! Thanks for appreciating my content, you made my day first thing this am. Yeah, you’re the first person I’m exchanging words with, I couldn’t have planned it better.

Your hypotenuse proved to need adjustments. You mentioned to me about the toasting of the bread part (no excuses). According to my eyes, #steemit and @theluvbug, you’re more than comfortable behind a keyboard. My fffpb&j was just an example. And it was shopped for, manufactured, pictured, written about and eaten all in your honor. Take that! 👍🏿 no excuses

Peyton is a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl.

Thanks a lot for taking me along your campfire journey at the farm, what a great memory you built! And what an adorable Australian that dude is holding inside his jacket! (iheart dogs)

no excuses

Thanks for stopping by @thebigsweed!

Thanks again. You are right on with the dog. She is an Australian Sheppard. #fff I'm in. will be back in NJ for a couple of days, but will post 1st #fff this Friday or next. Will see if my better half is in, when it comes to cooking she is definitely the better half. I must say that I am known as the Breakfast King. When we do have family and friends stay over, I can whip up a pretty good meal. I don't particularly like the title Breakfast King, as the preparation of this meal now falls directly in my lap.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

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