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RE: If This Sounds a Little Fishy, It Just Might Be, You Be The Judge: #fff

in #fff5 years ago

No apology necessary, but accepted. @farm-mom and I were having our coffee buy the fireplace this morning and getting our heads in the right state of mind for the busy day ahead.
Wanting to get in this week's #fff, but being busier than ever trying to get everything in order before our departure on the 23rd, I didn't get to do the freshwater swordfish culinary masterpiece until 1:00 Am.
When robin went to bed she said, I guess you're not doing a post this week, being half asleep I nodded in agreement.
Well, after sleeping in the recliner for several hours I decided to put a blog together, even if it was a little late.
Robin doesn't usually rise before me, but when I finally climbed out of bed at 7, the coffee was ready and I could tell she had been up for a while. The first thing she said to me was, boy that freshwater swordfish was great. Realizing Robin had already read the post, I asked her if she had read the last line where I mentioned someone's oversight. I wanted to get her approval and make sure I wasn't going to wrinkle anyone feathers, or is that ruffle. I didn't want to offend anyone, I can only imagine the time and effort that goes into keeping #fff afloat, that was why there was no reason to bring it up before the round was over.
Almost at the exact time, we both said I wonder who does the entering of the contenders, I hope it's @dandays, then we can bust his b--- a little.
Funny stuff for sure.
I'm thrilled it was you who consciously decided to leave me off of last week's list.
What are you afraid I was going to win my fourth belt.
Yeah, that is just a sample of the s--t that we decided we would through your way.😁😁😁
. It's amazing to me how many times through the day, conversations, ideas, did you read this or did you see that, and the chatter about the fine people we have met her on Steemit are a part of our daily conversation, with you guys occupying the airwaves a good part of the time.

Thanks for the song.

Stay safe my friend, and give our love to your most wonderful bride.


Here I am again—unable to walk away from a conversation.

If you didn’t say anything, you’d be one of those guys who doesn’t say anything which means our friendship would’ve probably never developed to its current state and then I’d be one of those people who never knew I skipped you! Talk about losing a notch. Speaking of notches, how big are your pants anyway that you need so many belts?! We all know who wears them anyway.

How cool is it though, really? Pura and I are just as guilty as you guys as far as talking about our virtual friends in normal conversation and saying things like “don’t forget to vote” or “are you going to post?” “Guilty.”

Now about the fresh water swordfish, what about the untraceable, waterless weed or... did you forget? 👍🏿

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