in #fff6 years ago (edited)

In making new friends on Steemit, I happen to be lucky enough to run into @dandays and @puravidaville. As our back and forth banter, centering around each other's posts, we became more friendly, I was invited to join in on the fun involved with participating in #fff.

I explained to them that the only thing I made with some degree of profeciency was Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwiches.

Being an extremely talented writer and comic, #dandays created a post that once again had me laughing out loud. The post included the culinary skills needed to make a PDJ. Enjoy a good laugh, check it out.

Well, here we go. Although I do very little cooking, I have been known for whipping up a pretty good breakfast.

Nice thing about breakfast is
eat it at noon, call it lunch
eat it after 5PM, call it dinner,
or call it tea as #gguy773 does

The title of this entry has everything to do with trying to improve the quality of what I consume, by including as much organic food as possible.

Lets start out with the home-fries

This was our first year planting potatoes.

Harvested over 125 pounds
Keep most of them in cold storage, should last for at least 6 months
Keep a couple of pounds handy by storing them in an extra frig on the porch.



Onions also from garden.
Harvested 50 pounds
Handle storage of onions, like potatoes



Lets get busy!
cover bottom of skillet with extra virgin olive oil
Black peppercorn
Sea Salt
Just a moment please, we need to back up,
cover the bottom of the skillet in EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL only
DO NOT COVER entire bottom in,
OK, now that we got that straight Lets get Busy.
Oh, just one more thing,
in reading a number of the #fff posts,
I realized I'm the guy that just fell off of the turnip truck.
From here on in ingredients shall be added at your own discretion! ✔✔✔
Chopped up 4 of the smaller sweet white onions.

Bring oil to a nice temp, please no specifics.
Throw in the the spuds


Cook the tatters while adding the stuff from above
The Paprika will make it look like you know what your doing
just pay a little attention
and the paprika will make those suckers turn a golden brown


Enough with the spuds
Hell, you can get them with an Egg McMuffin for a buck three eighty

Moving on
With no offense intended
for those of you who's diet is void of meat
Some of the following material may be too gruesome to watch
unless viewing with a carnivora
parental discretion advised
brief nudity 😜😜😜


One a more serious note
All wild game is hunted in accordance too the law
The wild game that provides our family with a very rich source of nutrients
is always RESPECTED
With today's hunting weapons
either bow or rifle
a good sportsman
will make a quick kill
We do not hunt for trophies
we hunt for survival






These are the back straps of the deer


They are cut into smaller pieces


Flash fried with as much butter as your heart can handle


Kept some of the onions that I used in the spuds
added them to the Venison

Also cut up some mushrooms
add to venison

Forgot to take pic of mushrooms

To tell you the truth
I'm having a hard time handling this
It is taking all of my will power
to avoid eating everything
at this very moment



Next up the big sweed's all time crowd favorite

On the Egg Lady's property, you will meet her in a moment
there is a blueberry patch made in heaven
Harvest time lasts for about 3 weeks
you could pick for 12 hours a day
for the entire 3 weeks
and it would look like a berry had never been plucked




This year's yeild was fantastic
Vacuum packed 44 pounds


Warm up the griddle
it's time to make dah BOMBS

Boy the camerawoman is going to be asking for a raise








Not yet, a good BOMB needs a good Maple syrup




As the hours flew by the day only took on more splendor

P1200089 (1).JPG

Tapping the trees is a family affair

P1200017 (2).JPG

With my son @ryan313 children
@ajbasketball3 and @owenmaxj3


Right gravity
ready too bottle


End product
All natural Maple syrup
Had a good year
finished product 3.5 gallons
Doesn't sound like much
but at a ratio of 50/1
that is a lot of boiling!


Time to visit the egg lady
She is my wife's cousin

A sign I made for her
bartering is a beautiful thing






Child labor
My Granddaughter
@ryan313 youngest of three

Looks as though she got pecked
while gathering
Never dropped an egg
That's my girl

The different colors and shades
make dying Easter Eggs a snap

Lets get busy

Cooked 4 of these
-fff- (Farm fresh Fowl) eggs


Over easy


Final product
now ready to photography
Each dish hanging out in it's own bowl
covered to stay warm
My beautiful wife says
"presentation is everything"





Well, after placing each item in just the correct position
taking pictures from every angle
lunch had well passed
and dinner, or "Tea" time
whichever term you choose
was upon us

In the forefront of my mind I knew
the s__t was getting cold

Throughout the photo shoot
nothing was safe

Ten minutes later
here are the remnants of my entry into #fff




or I was just FREAKIN HUNGRY!

P.S. blew the bread
finished product clocked in late by about 15 minutes.😆😆😆

A meal
with not a great deal


Hope you enjoyed, I know the wife and I had a ball, and a glass of wine or two! 😁😍💖 thebigsweed

thanks for the invite #dandays #puravidaville


Great post man! You are my kind of dude. Keep em coming because this type of content is awesome for Steemit. Thanks for your support.

Coming from a gentleman who creates so much great content, your compliments carry an extra dose of sincerity.

I really appreciate your support and enjoy your company as well. I believe we may have some common interests.
Enjoy the games on Sunday.
The Giants are on a little roll now, and you never know.
I have been saying all along, keep Eli from being face planted 10 times a game, and from having to get the ball in the air before recievers have even gotten 5 yards off the line, and he can still play.

Eli is fine, he just has no time. Last couple games looked good though. I have a good friend who is a Giants video maker by the name of Copizzel on YouTube. He’s got a lot of viewers and he’s pretty funny Win or lose after games.

Wow what a great post! Very nice of you to respond to everyone who left the comment! Keep up the good work STEEMIT appreciates this type of blogs!!

Thanks for the compliment😁😁😁.

That is how it is done!! From farm to plate, from the woods to the grill. That is one heck of a truly Home Cooked Meal!!
Welcome to the Food Fight Family!!! Take it easy next time your making us others look bad. HA HA HA.

Thanks for the kind words. I had such a good time, and look forward to continued participation.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Good luck in Round 18 of
Food Fight Friday
May your contender survive and not be placed in a permanent food coma.

Funny, after this past Thanksgiving meal I looked just like this kid.

Hi thebigsweed,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

Visit or join the Curie Discord community to learn more.

Thank you for the recognition and the very generous up-vote!
Exceptional content, now that is very flattering, and adds a lot of extra motivation to continue to create content worthy of such accolades!
Always appreciated! Always Humbled!

Knocked it out of the park @thebigsweed! Now that’s what I’m talking about food fight fam. Welcome to the clan :). Dandays and I just wanted to nudge you in the direction of some of the coolest steemians we know is all. I’m glad you you took the bait :)

I can’t believe what you made for “not being a cook”. Those blueberries look so delicious by themselves, let alone thrown into a pancake 😋. And what, you just drizzle your own home grown maple syrup on those things, seriously? I’m salivating and secretly wishing you’d send us a bottle (I guess not so secretly).

All of those eggs being different colors and sizes too is a trip. Do you know why that is? Is it normal and the stuff we see in grocery stores is abnormal; for everything to be the same everything…? Anyway, great frikken post my friend! Dandays read it and alerted me to your wizardry shortly thereafter. It’s good to have you in the ring :)

Thanks for the gracious words and for the nudge.
I am a lucky fellow, as my wife and I are still best friends after all of these years, and enjoy doing many things together.
Well, you can add this to the list.
We really did have a great time preparing the meal, taking the photos, staging the set, and sharing a meal.

It was also a good feeling to be the chef, while she was my assistant.
I barked out directions like Gordon Ramsey, slice this, cut that, get the pan ready, not too much of this, not enough of that, I can't work like this, get these dishes out of my way, boy it was fun being the one in control and not just cutting the freakin vegetables.
So if you believe this one let me tell you another. 😁😁😁

After knowing Robin for 50 years this past October 20th, we seem to have the ability to communicate with out even moving our lips.
I am not a stupid man, and the last thing I would do is bark orders at her when she has a utensil in her hand. I know her all to well, she would slap me up along the side of the head and say to me "who the hell do you think you are speaking to."
For a little thing, she can put the fear of God in thebigsweed!

Thanks again to the both of you, as posting for #fff will add another little dimension to this wonderful relationship I already have with the love of my life!

Haha… Dandays and I have tried cooking together a few times. Let’s just say it’s better if we cook separately. Even when it comes to styling the picture, he has the eye for it so I call him in to help but I’m usually peckish by then and wanting to rush through it. He doesn’t rush through anything, needless to say I end up barking at him. Probably because I know the food is getting cold. Haha…

October 20th huh? Congratulations Sir. It’s easy when we marry our best friends I think. Congratulations on the curie trail too @thebigsweed, it’s a great way to introduce yourself to the clan :). Enjoy the rest of your weekend friend!

I wish you could understand how much I appreciate those kind words @thebigsweed, I can’t write ‘thank you’ big enough. This is exactly what I was writing about when I did that one yesterday about the people in my phone. See, I can’t write it big enough!

Enough of that, check you out man, congratulations on the @curie visit, that’s a heck of a way to introduce yourself to the #fff kitchen! Talk about packin’ some heat, dang!

I thought it was over at the potatoes and I was sold there! Nope.. eggs, venison, and.. and.. but syrup?! Yeah, you win! I don’t know where you’re at but a weekend at an air bnb doan the street from you sounds just right.

I mentioned this one to @gogreenbuddy, too, this is exactly what they’re looking for. great post!

Thanks man, had a ball.
While doing this post I now know why I don't enjoy cooking as much as I should.
I need to eat a little prior to cooking, as this may curb my desire to eat everything as it comes off of the grill, out of the oven, placed on the counter, or emits an aroma anywhere in the vicinity of my nose.
It is so much easier on my senses to be able to smell food, see food, and then immediately eat food.

They say patience is a virtue and I need to work on that.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend,
I know we will, as I have two of my sons visiting with their families for the remainder of the weekend.
We went to NJ to share Thanksgiving with my son @ryan313
Today my wife will cook up another turkey with all of the sides, and we will celebrate again.
Will be putting on a few extra pounds this weekend, can't wait.

Thanks for all of your support and for promoting my efforts.

Always appreciated! Always humbled!

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Wow that was just the ultimate farm breakfast, I even got some good education about how we make maple syrup, I thought it was about plugin a tap into the tree and just pour some on my homemade pancake, but it seems much more complex :)

I have notice one more thing:

There's a dude standing outside your window, why didn't you invite him in?

Thanks for the compliments. Maple syrup making is great fun, but you really need to enjoy cold weather. Making Maple syrup requires 50 gallons of sap to make I gallon of syrup.
By the time you boil down, filter, boil again to reach the final gravity, and then bottle, you are looking at a full day of activity. The first boil requires a lot of stirring and maintaining the fire.

IMG_1171 (1).JPG

I guess the dude standing outside caught a whiff of the breakfast being prepared.

thank you for the up-vote and reply.

Always appreciated ! Always humbled!

Just had a job offer in Canada so who know, I might join you next year :) and give you a hand on the next batch!!!

After commenting on your post I went to do an extensive research on how the maple syrup is processed, how old the trees must be (40 years old!), it's just fascinating to a novice like me thanks for sharing!

That is a pretty darn good looking all-day big breakfast @thebigsweed!! When I saw the title, I knew I have to read this and am very glad I did :) You have a beautiful family and kudos to the camerawoman and I think she deserves a raise :) I love the spuds and the eggs and the pancakes!! So fresh from the farm! And I really like the 'Eggs 4 Sale' sign you made for your wife's cousin. It is really cute.

Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to this post! I have been blessed, as only parents can comprehend.
With the hardships, and temptations younger generations square off with on a daily basis, it is a wonder that more of them are not sidetracked.
Your time is Always appreciated, and I am always humbled by those who participate in the content that I post.

No, I thank you @thebigsweed for sharing your life and family with us on a deliciously cooked-with-love big breakfast meal :) I really enjoyed reading it and of course, I also love eggs and potatoes and pancakes :D
I wish you and your family a wonderful Sunday there :) Are you guys having the big breakfast? :)

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