BUFFET STAR for Lunch, Glad I Still had a Couple Bucks Left. #food fight friday

in #fff5 years ago

Were back to Buffet Star for another all you can eat throw-down. This is the same place @farm-mom and I went several weeks ago. For some reason she likes to call it Star Buffet, either name works for me.

We just happened to end up at the Buffet Star, not really just happened as we were in the area to make a pit stop at a place I'd rather not mention. This joint, not really a joint, more like a restaurant for sure, happens to be about 200 yards from the place that I'd rather not speak of.
The place I'd rather not speak of, I wont. So let me tell you about lunch and we can all stop speaking about that place where I hope to never see again.
What did you say, I'm the only one speaking about it, got you, not another word about that issue.

The food was delightful. 😁
So much to choose from. 😊

1st plate, just getting started.👍


2nd plate stacked, before the 1st plate ever hit bottom.😜


I'm a little depressed and it's spoiling my appetite, as I'm already thinking about the goodies, which usually occurs after the 5th plate.


Some goodies and I should be good to go.


Not good to go yet, more goodies should help.


This thing that I'm not going to mention, may take a 3rd plate of goodies smothered in chocolate, to remove its taste from my pallet.
Let's see what happens.
IMG_1598.JPGNope, still there.

OK here it is, you know that thing I told you I wasn't going to tell you about, I'm going to spill my guts to you, why not I've already picked my jaw up off of the floor. Why not spill some guts.


@ jslplatts just mentioned that if I were ever in need of any mechanical advice, he would be more than happy to answer and questions I may have. My response was kind of like this, "which tire do you put the oil in," just kidding, but I did reply that when it comes to working on anything with a motor, I don't have two left hands, I have none. No amount of patience and mentoring can help me with this very sad situation. Thanks again jlsplatts for the very kind offer.

Here is the sequence of events of that THING.

  • @farm-mom's car dies in the driveway with no prior indication of a any problem

  • Jump starting the car does't work,

  • and several messages appear on the dash, service this whatchamacallit, service that whatchamacallit

  • call towing company, nearest shop 39 miles away, tow package through insurance co. only good for 20 mile tow, 19 miles more to go, $89.00 out of pocket, car finally arrives at shop.

  • next day the guy from the shop calls and tells me that the battery is shot and I will need a new one, the sensors that were indicating that repairs were needed was a false alarm, the sensors are low voltage sensors and the dead battery has set them off

  • new battery, reset computer, diagnostic fee, total $295.00

  • next up, the shop lets us know that the car will need tires soon, why not it's already in the shop and we were going to get new skins before we went away in February. No sense getting new tires without a wheel alignment, go for it. total $1,060

+Power and chemical flush of cooling system and replace fluids, total $153.00

  • Drain and replace transfer fluid total $159.00

  • inspect and replace cabin air filter total $56.00

  • the dude from the garage calls and gets a hold of farm-mom and tells her that it's time for a tuneup,
    the car was running great before the battery died, tune-up I say, OK total parts and labor $415.00

  • Now lets not forget Uncle Sam, shit he needs to get his cut.

Well there you go. I've told you about that thing that suppressed my appetite while at the Buffet Star.

$2,379.00 later, all started because of a dead battery, I'm was happy to be able to afford a little bite to eat.

I had to chuckle when Perry the auto guy told me that he had to stick a new battery in the remote for the car.
He had to charge me for the battery, but didn't charge me any labor.
The battery even had its own invoice.


Maybe I should have taken Jlsplatts up on his offer, the only problem would have been time, there isn't enough time left for me to learn mechanics. Need a house built, no problem.

Before buying farm-mom's car I tried to talk her into a truck, dirt roads and all.
The line I used to persuade her was, "you know there is nothing hotter than a chick in a pickup truck." She wasn't having any of that. 😒

Just one last thing before I let you go, NO I'm not in a food coma, but rather a Caddy Car Coma

IMG_1590 (2).JPG

No sympathy votes please.

All kidding aside, all of this did start with a dead battery, and I'm only too happy to spend what ever is needed to keep any vehicle we own if perfect running condition. Safety is paramount, and with all of the driving farm-mom does going back and forth to New Jersey, many times by herself, her safety is worth what ever the price may be.


I’d like to say that’s not funny but I laughed out loud while reading. I learned the hard way once with that 20 mile tow scam—100 miles from then out. If it wasn’t for the hard way, I wouldn’t learn anything, that’s what my grandmother used to tell me.

Dude, a dead battery in the remote is instant classic—you can’t make this stuff up! Great contender, @thebigsweed, and a highly entertaining article. At what point were you ready to ask how much it would cost to keep the hood and just put a whole new car under it?

Were you able to keep your dinner from coming back up or what?

Glad you say the humor, that's what was intended, throwing a b--ch was not.

Most everything I can do for myself, but one thing I don't have a clue about are motor vehicles. When something with a motor breaks down, I know I'm going to have to pay the piper.

Funny stuff, keep the hood and put a new car under it.

I'll consider that option in the future @dandays.

Hope all is well.
We had a wonderful 4 days back in NJ celebrating Christmas with the family. With a new one on the way and 2 of my kids having to work Christmas day at the hospital, getting together on the 25th would have been impossible.

Looking forward to reading any new stuff you may have decided to share.
Stay safe!

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 73
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent
Food Coma
food coma pizza.gif
Good Luck
Have a

thanks @fff, a couple of beers may do the trick!

Hey @thebigsweed, here is a little bit of BEER from @foodfightfriday for you. Enjoy it!

thanks again!

I think you did a fine job at attempting to eat as much as the mechanic’s bill in food. Hey you gotta get it back somehow. Lol.

I have the attitude that all mechanics are crooked. Sorry it is just how I am and what I have been through. I dropped my car off for a day for a new battery and alternator, came back the next afternoon to a surprise. The car was washed and shiny and had over 300 extra miles on it. Let’s just say I made a scene in the front office in front of 6-8 customers. 5 of them left while I was going off on the manager. Unfortunately once they find out you have $$ they know just how to pull the right strings. I bet you probably didn’t need 1/2 of that stuff but then again I don’t know anything about the vehicle so I could be 100% wrong. A good idea is to take notes and keep receipts of past work done. That way you can refer to them if they ever want to perform “maintenance” again. It’s a CYA thing and I am not accusing your mechanic of taking advantage of you. I am just the paranoid one who got taken advantage of a couple times and know they do it to others. One time I went in for a tire change, I was getting ready to leave move from California to Washington. I didn’t have a ton of time, but when my car would die at stop signs and start right back up. I was confused... After a couple days of fiddling around with it after work I remembered he had my hood popped when he was changing a rear tire. Now I ain’t no dummy but there was no reason for him to be under my hood when he was changing a rear tire. Yep and ever since then I couldn’t get that car to run right. Constantly changing throttle positioning censors every 3-4 months.
Then the time they wanted to charge me $500 to change spark plugs in my 2005 Lincoln Navigator. 8 plugs cost approximately $100. These plugs are notorious for breaking in half and porcelain chunks fall into the cylinder. I asked what happens if THEY break on. He said it is $75 to extract... wait a minute... so YOU break it and I have to pay to fix it... ummm ya that is stupid!! So after watching a few YouTube videos I have done 2 vehicles with those spark plugs and haven’t broke a single one. 😉😉

Feel free to reach out with any questions. With photos and text you would be amazed what can be accomplished. Plus a little help from YouTube. 😉

I did try and talk @farm-mom into hanging around for a couple more hours until the first 5 rounds hit bottom, and I could eat again.

I do believe that everything they did was somewhat necessary, but I was looking to hold off for awhile.
I know how important maintenance is, especially with our road trip about 6 weeks away. We got stuck last year, and that was no fun at all!

Boy, mechanics sure can mess with you if they want to. When I lived in Jersey, a guy five houses down the block ran a garage right out of his home. We became pretty good friends, and needless to say he did what was needed and I never felt like I was being ripped off. He would always save all of the old parts he replaced, to make sure I saw them before he discarded them. He would also show me a bill for the parts, and I always paid what he paid, no markup. I would love to find a guy like that around here.

Needless to say we are now AAA Platinum members . Great deal for $126.00/ 4 tows a year 100 miles each, with one of them up to 200 miles. So many other benefits, lodging discounts, trip maps, to name a few.

@jlsplatts, thanks for offer to lend a hand in the future, you never know. I may have to buy a couple of wrenches and the like.

thanks again my friend

Looks like pretty good quality. The problem with a buffet is over eating, which you allude to, and not having room for desert! Still, we always find room somehow right?

Always room, just wait 10 minutes after your last mouthful, and You're good for at least one round.

Ah yes, the old wait 10 minutes* ploy...an oldie, but a goodie...works every time..

Oh dear, that was an expensive battery change. I think those warning lights were just a deception there to worry you and get you into the garage, because swapping a battery is actually a really straight forward job. Even I've done it! ;D

Battery was five years old and it was time. A lot of the other work was maintenance, so I don't feel to bad.

What a funny post! Can't get much worse, right? Did you take the garbage out?

✔ on the garbage.

The third photo would have made a great thumbnail for FFF competition.
Sorry to hear about your car. I hope things go well in the lead up to Christmas.

Thanks for your concern @shaidon. With the car out of the way Christmas, and the days leading up to the holidays will be filled with family and good times.
Best wishes to you and yours for he holidays.

Thank you. May you have a happy holiday season!

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