#FFF - Savoury Snacks You Can't Put Down... What's Yours?

in #fff6 years ago (edited)


Enough said!

Oh ok, I say a bit more...

Do you have a favourite savoury snack?

I'm talking about a once you start, you cant stop til it's gone type deal? Like Popcorn maybe? Or peanuts?

I do... guess what it is 😂

Yep, you got it TWIGLETS yum, yum, yummy. Well if I'm honest, it's Popcorn and Peanuts too, but Twiglets are top of the list. Seriously, once I start, I can't stop eating them. I don't have a clue why.


Just look at those crunchy sticks of yumminess.

There not just yummy mind... No! Their healthy too! Check the packet...

▪ 80% Wholegrain ✔
▪ High in fiber ✔
▪ Oven baked not fried ✔
▪ No artificial colours or favours ✔

Oooo... Pistachio Nuts add them to the list. I like those too. 😁

But only Twiglets can give you all round Sensual Satisfaction.


See, it says so!

If you don't like Marmite or Vegimite which are both forms of yeast extract, you probably won't like Twiglets. I don't care... Ha, more for me.

Here ya go @dandays, here's the rest of the ingredients...


Ah bummer - let's try that again...


So what's your favourite savoury snack?

The important thing to note here is the word 'Savoury'. So don't rush off to tbe comment section thinking of other irresistible things like doughnuts or rum and raisin ice cream. They don't count. Only savoury snacks here please.

Right, I've just about got through half this scrumptious bag of Twiglets, and I think I hear someone coming...


You what?... Sharing... I don't think so!

I'm off.

(There's gotta be somewhere I can hide around here.)

Until next time - Stay safe!

Regards and best wishes @sivehead

Ps. Just in case you were wondering, Yes I ❤ #fff too.


Haha… I actually laughed out loud twice to where Dandays asked “are you laughing out loud to @sivehead”. Those sticks remind me of similar but different veggie/potato sticks from trader joes. The air puffy snacks of delight were a whole bag in one sitting deal. Needless to say we stopped buying them because it was cheaper than to buy all bigger pants. Haha… great triple f dude :)

I'm glad l could brighten up your day @puravidaville. I was hoping for at least a smile, but a laugh out load... that's great.

I sometimes think Twiglets were made by the devil. I often eat so many that the next day I have mouth ulcers. Then I have to wait a while before having them again.

I know exactly what you’re saying. Those same bastards would visit me after a night of digressing into my very own puffy veggies sticks. 🤦🏼‍♀️

Yes! My mutual flowerer.. I mean Florida, Filofax.. filafel, Danget! What in the heck is Filofax, though, really? My autocorrect gave me that when I attempted to type filafel. Hm.. didn’t do it that time?? Well dude.. you know me!

(I just did a DuckDuckGo search and my response is...)

How did you do that?! How did you get Filofax to type on my phone. Something I’ve never heard of ever in my life mysteriously shows up thanks to autocorrect and come to find out.. they’re outta the UK and apparently they design fancy wallets but you probably already knew that too.

Well I bet you didn’t know I’ve never heard of twigley’s until just now.

Great #fff post, happy Friday.
(Those ingredients all checked out)

edit I’m still thinking of a savory snack...

edit again I still can’t think of a favorite savory snack! The wOrd savory just throws me off. Do honey-roasted peanuts count? Oh, they count! That’s my savory snack, honey-roasted peanuts. Planters peanuts, though, not those imitation peanut bottles that ‘may contain milk or egg.’ First, why is there milk in peanuts?! And second, what’s this ‘may contain’ Ish?! “May?” They should be held at a higher standard than that. I think they should know, 100%, what’s inside their products, none of this may contain crap.

edit again, again Hey, but really, lay it on me.. who’s responses are fatter, mine or @glenalbrethsen? His are way bigger than mine hu? See, Glen, size totally matters!

Fatty comment homie...fatty

@dandays man, I think there must be a higher word count in your comment than I managed to get in my entire post. Are you going in to competition with @glenalbrethsen?.. . Like who can use up the most resource credits on one long-ass comment. Lol

Filofax, Umm... yes, I have heard of filofax... back in the 80's. I wasn't aware they were still in business. Not that I really care either way, I just thought I'd mention it as a way of packing out my responce to make it a little longer. 😁

I have to say though you did get me questioning my spelling of 'SAVOURY'. I noticed your spelling of the w0rd didn't include the 'U'... well I googled it and here are the results:



What a relief that was for me. Seeing that I actually managed to spell something correctly for a change. Unlike when I chose my username... more about that some other time.

As for that 'may contain' bulls***, I totally agree, they should know exactly what is in their products. In fact I once questioned the very same thing. The answer I was given was

'Oh they have to put that because they make other stuff in the same factory. They can't guarantee that there isn't any cross contamination between the products'.

My responce to that excuse was - 'So their cleaning crew are crap at their job then!'

Anyway, back to the topic at hand Twiglets... uh savoury snacks, yes I'll let you have your Planters Honey-roasted peanuts. I'm guessing they are more savoury than sweet so I'll let the honey slide this time.

You've never heard of Twiglets though... really!... Damn dude, you must live a sheltered live. Like under a rock maybe lol. Well I'm happy I could open your world and make it just a little more exciting. 😁

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a cooooommmmmmeeeeennnt @dandays 😎👍

hey, @sivehead.

Seems like you're both trying to go into competition or something. The trick is to have something to say and do it over the course of at least a couple hundred comments. :)

I've never heard of twiglets, but I have heard of vegemite. I even tried it a few times. It's not bad. I didn't get all crazy for it, though.

And I'm afraid the word savoury isn't one that we use a whole lot in the U.S. Most of us will probably end up saying "salty" or "spicy" depending on which it is. :) As it is, I couldn't tell you the last time I even used the word savory, either. "Tastes good" seems to cover it. :)

Hmmm... I think I might have stumbled upon a gap in the market over there in the US. If I was in better financial position, I could of imported a few packs so you could all make me richer... uh, try them out.

Twiglets Shmiglets.. I’ve been spelling savoury wrong since forever. Thanks for spelling that one out for me, at least I didn’t misspell my own name, though, that would suck.

I think that cross contamination excuse is just that, an excuse, they really don’t know what’s in their product.. “uh.. put soy, say may contains say... oh! And shellfish, too, just say these multivitamins ‘may’ contain all of that stuff.”

You’re welcome! My pleasure! I don’t leave ones like that to just anyone, you know?! 😉

Happy Sunday to the whole sievehe.. you know what I mean, your whole fam!

Well @grammarnazi seems to be slacking... haven't seen him for a while.

at least I didn’t misspell my own name, though, that would suck.

Yeah, I know right... that would be completely asinine aye! 🙄

hey, @dandays.

Um, I'm not sure I want to be the middle of this, whatever this is. :) Especially, if you've got someone remotely controlling your phone and spelling filofax. I mean, I guess it could be sivehead, but regardless, it can't be good. Maybe it's the NSA trying to send you messages or something. :) Buy more wallets...

As for my comments—some of them are long, some of them are medium and some of them are short. Whatever the situation requires. :)

When I first started I kept thinking my responses were too long, reminding myself of how my mother used to be when you’d get her on the phone. Ha! After a phone call with her, she’d always end the call with “ok, I’ve probably talked your ear off enough!”

But then the more you and I would communicate, I realized you go toe to toe with me every time in word count so I’m comfortable with my big huge responses @glenalbrethsen and I owe you a thanks for leading the way!

Happy Monday! And happy Monday to you, too, @sivehead, you phone tamperer.

I'm not entirely sure what it is about people being brief in fear that they might offend someone or tire their eyes from the text or something, but then carry on the conversation anyway for several replies. If you're going to comment, say something while you're at it, I say!

My mother for most of my married life has been exactly the same way when it comes to phone calls. It's been probably over a year now that she's been cutting them shorter. The first few times it was like—wait, are you sure you don't want this conversation to go on for another half an hour at least? Did I say something wrong? :)

And they can do whatever they want too! Whenever a friends kids or maybe even one of my friends goes into something about their mom I usually stop them with “moms earned the right to act like a mom.”

How was your weekend, good? Relaxing?

Oh, I'd say good, once we got to Sunday. :) Saturday there was just stuff going on and so I didn't get time to be on STEEM as much as I wanted to, and then the Ducks lost to WSU, and I had to cook...

So, anyway, too much for me, but Sunday was Sunday. Aside from church, didn't have a whole lot else I had to do so talked to my oldest son and his wife and then talked to my parents. :)

Snacks can be straight up evil. Ha ha ha. Mine are the Jalapeño Chedder Cheetos. No matter how nasty the stuff I That is in them I just can’t resist. First it was the Flaming Hot Cheetos with Lime and not these. I’m doomed!!! Ha ha ha ha
Hmmm but are they savory??? I guess they are to whom ever is devouring them.
Guess what...
I ❤️ FFF more than you
He he he

Ahh... you go spicy aye. I tend to lean more towards the salty myself... until the ulcers kick in, then I gotta take a time out.

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