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RE: Food Fight-Market-Thank Dog It's-Friday {FFF, MF, TDIF, FTW}

in #fff5 years ago

Haha, can't go wrong with a sweet furry face, right? She really is such a good pup. Most of the time she will just hang out while mom and dad work out. If I come in while they're there and have time she'll just snuggle up next to me and let me love on her.

I'm super happy with how all the food for the event turned out! It went over really well, so I'm excited to do more of those. I think the gazpacho and salad were the big hits, though the crackers were well-received, too. I have some of the pink hummus left to share with my "other" niece who is coming over with her mom tonight to hang out. I think she'll love it. Good thing we're eating outside, though, because that stuff will stain, haha. I'm absolutely whipped from the nerves of the day and spending that much time "on" in front of people, but I think I can spend all day tomorrow in my introvert cave to recover.

Did you end up getting that run in?


YES!!! In fact, this morning marks 2 runs for me. I feel so much better when I can run. I was just telling @dandays I saw a black and yellow water snake today slithering on the sand. At first I thought it was dead but then it perked up as I got closer. Noted, Costa Rican beaches may or may not have after snakes slithering about on your coastal run. Good thing I focus on the ground in front of me rather than the crashing waves 🤦🏼‍♀️

Thanks for the inspo Plants! I also told Dandays you were responsible for some of the flame under my ass :).

Wahooooo! So happy you laced up your sneaks for a little Pura Vida time! I've had my fair share of lulls, so I know how good that can feel to get back to it.

I'm not a fan of the slithering things. 😂 It's full on snake season here, so my eyes are usually glued to the ground, as well. Luckily I finally found the time to knock out my first double digit run of the year this morning with no reptilian comrades.

Enjoy the feeling of that wind in your face!

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep, I’m back at it. Just had my 3rd run of the week and the only reason it’s not 4 is because yesterday was a travel day.

The cool thing about snakes and running is that you’re only near them for a second. Bravo on a double digit run… you’re an animal :)

Nice!! Even if the snake is only there for a split second, the irrational fear lingers... hahaha!

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