Flippin Fabulous Seedy Scones steemCreated with Sketch.

in #fff5 years ago (edited)

Another crazy Friday just gone by; hubby's been hard at work planning veggie garden beds alongside our little bnb cottage known as Lily's Cottage, so there's been extra mouths to feed at breakfasts and lunchtimes.
Our trusted bricklayer Lebo who hails from Lesotho is always happy to oblige when we have a small project for him in between the bigger projects he's working on.

The first phase of the veggie garden is almost complete but we still have to do some monkey-proofing and pave the pathway.

We also had two guys here setting up rainwater tanks, and those are all ready to catch rainwater from the roof so we'll be getting free water from the heavens once our summer rains start, can't afford to waste rainwater here in sunny South Africa with the water scarcity we have. The rain can start any time now as we heard thunder rumbling just now!
Eco tank.png

I feel so bad that I've been neglecting our crazy Foo Fong Food Fight Friday guys @jlsplatts, @dandays and @idig, so thought it's high time I set the record straight and made them some Scones; did I hear some of our Americano friends like @farm-mom and the gang call these Biscuits?
No, these are called Scones in our language.

This is a Biscuit in our language, I know some call these cookies:

I'll tell you again, this is what we call a scone, but they're not your usual scones as they're covered in all kinds of seeds, but you get the drift about what a Scone is don't you?
Scones are best eaten with Jam & Cream (I have some Coconut cream for @dandays) but I had mine with thick double cream Greek style Yogurt.

Talking about Jam, our American friends call it jelly I believe?
This is what we call Jam, sitting on top of the Cream Scones:
You must be wondering why I'm going on about this, but when you see what we call scones and some call biscuits; you will understand my confusion when a Steemit friend @sultnpapper spoke about having Biscuits and gravy a long while back when he was doing a BBQ restaurant review; I was totally flummoxed as I simply could not put the two together.
Can you imagine this with a meaty gravy? No, neither can I!
These are what I know as Biscuits, ok some call it cookies but the real name is....Biscuits!

Chef line break.png

Back to Friday's Flippin Fabulous Seedy Scones - made with pantry staples, a scone is an age old standby for any baker.
One can add dried fruit like raisins, sultanas or cranberries; alternatively make savoury scones by adding grated cheese to the dough.
I added bran and oats to my flour and patted the dough out on a bed of bran and mixed seeds and covered the top with the same.


  • 3 cups Stone ground self raising cake flour
  • 1/2 cup Bran
  • 1/2 cup rolled Oats
  • 3 tbsp Brown Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 125 gram Butter OR 1/2 cup Oil for our vegan friends
  • 1 cup Milk (Almond Milk for @dandays who does not do milk)
  • 1 Egg (flax or chia seed eggs works well)

Mix dry ingredients, rub in the butter.

Beat together liquids, add to dry ingredients and mix lightly to a firm dough.

Pat out on a floured or seeded surface, cut into scones with cookie cutters.


Bake at 190C for 12-15 min till a nice light golden colour.

Leave to cool slightly on cake racks.

Best eaten while it's still lukewarm!

Halve the scones and serve with jam & cream or grated cheese.


A quick look at the making:

When I was a kid growing up with four brothers it was always a fight about who was bagging the the last scone!
I certainly was not in a fighting mood but hope you got my drift re biscuits and cookies and scones as well as jams and jellies!

Happy Friday everyone!


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Original Content by @lizelle
Thank you for stopping by
Comments, upvotes & resteems all much appreciated :)
Copyright @lizelle - All Rights Reserved


Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone



Scones with jam and cream are a personal favourite!

Thank you so much @shaidon, my apologies for only now responding!

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I approve of this plant-based posts.

Thank you so much!

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Apologies for me running late
Life happens from time to time.

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 66
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck
Have a

No problem, life certainly happens at quite a rate at times, not so, thank you:)

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The scones look mouth watering delicious @lizelle. #farm-mom loves anything garnished with nuts, she even puts nuts on her peanut-butter and jelly sandwiches.

The rain barrels seem as though they are a necessity. Water here on the farm can become an issue during the hot summer months. Being that our garden gets a little bigger every year, we prefer not to use our well. Having a pond and having purchased a waste pump, when we haven't had rain in a while we revert to this setup.


The monkey proofing of the garden can't be an easy fix. The monkeys have to be able to get into most things. I thought we had problems keeping these guys out,P1190335.JPG
but I can only imagine what it takes to keep monkeys out of your garden.

What a great place Lily's Cottage looks like. It seems as though so many people have stayed in your wonderful place and all have enjoyed.
You must be very proud to have built such a great place, lots of hard work I'm sure.

You certainly are organised on your farm! Those little guys look gorgeous just as our monkeys look cute but both can cause havoc.
We are very proud of our Lily's Cottage.
Thanks for popping in @thebigsweed! !tip

So true with them causing havoc. We have come up with a remedy for the deer browsing on vegetation.
We use a mixture of eggs and milk. 6 eggs to a quart of milk, mixed with a blender, and then put in a spray bottle. This concoction is sprayed on all of @farm-mom's flowers as well as any other young trees we have planted. The stuff works like a charm. We don't use it on any of our vegetable plants after they have set fruit.
Thanks for your reply, up-vote and for the tip @lizelle.
Have a wonderful day!

That's a weird concoction to put them off! Makes me wonder if we should try something like bitter aloe to stop the monkeys raiding our veggies? Will have to look into that, don't want to kill the plants now.
Enjoy the rest of your day:)

🎁 Hi @thebigsweed! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @lizelle!

@lizelle wrote lately about: Steemit Fruits & Veggies Monday - Grow Me A Garden Of Food Feel free to follow @lizelle if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

These look gorgeous... did you kmow scones are the fastest cake in the world?

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Did not know that but I'm sure that was before cake in a mug was born not so;);)
Thanks for popping in @riverflows:)

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I sure do appreciate the coconut cream but your cottage looks so cozy I’d like to invite myself to biscuits scones with coconut cream, bedside, in the cozy cottage—too much? Did I take it too far?

Your contenders are always homeruns @lizelle, it’s always a pleasure hanging out with you. Enjoy your weekend. :smooooooch:

Oh you and your lovely lady are welcome anytime mr Dandays;)
Tea and scones are calling, have yourself a great weekend! Glad I could make #fff on time, you have gathered some great foo fong fighters here!

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Those look so good, and I hope you get some rain ( at convenient times of course) to full up your new tank

We're looking forward to some rain now, thanks for stopping by @tattoodjay:)

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Of course thats to be expected
always a pleasure to visit ;)

Yummy and delicious...feeling hunger 😋😊

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Thank you @shuvo35:)

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Your husband is a happy man

He also tells me so😉 thanks @opidia!

As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

Thank you:)

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