
I really got confused when the apples turned into beef lol.

It’s my magic carnivore freezer that creates the confusion. :wink :wink

Haha… I hope those friendly cows you were bragging about the other day didn’t end up in your freezer Splatts. And my gosh that’s a lot of meat.

Those might be next year. 😉 when I run out of the meat I get and have to purchase from the’s just different I will say that and way more expensive.

What in the world?! Does everyone around you stockpile that much meat? I’ve heard of collections but that one you got is packed!

If you have a hook up lots of people do this. If I want a steak, I just go to the freezer grab one the day before. Thaw it out then cook it the next day. Plus the meat is so much better than the “stuff” from the store.
My dad has a freezer full of salmon and halibut, he caught in the Pacific and local rivers...that reminds me, I’m going to be over there tomorrow I better snatch some up.

And this is how far behind technology is.. When can we finally screen shot each other some fresh caught fish? These frikkin devices.

Look he is weirder than I am
My old man loves fishing for salmon

Apple doesn’t f.. you know they say, you’re the one with 5 boxes of them!

Eh when I was a young kid, I went fishing with my grandparents about 7 or 8 summers in a row for salmon. Those are the best memories I have. We would go to Trinidad and fish the pacific near places like Redding Rock for lingcod and snapper.

I think I ruined my son. We went Shad fishing below the McNary dam and he caught 26 of them in like an hour and a half. Thanks to his uncle now he has no patients for fishing. A friend of my brother’s likes pickled shad. IDK due IDK

Then 3D print it and eat it. Shoot why not. Lol.

Whats your address and when is nobody home? Lmao :p

Holy freak dude!

I can’t pass up a good deal!! Now if I could only find someone with a milk cow so I can get raw milk for cheap. Maybe I should just get my own....wait ummm

Lol, i am learning Master Splatts

Hey, @jlsplatts.

A magic freezer that changes your apples into an assortment of beef? Sign me up!

Actually, I like the apples, too, so what did you do with the five boxes?

We've bought beef and pork and some lamb from a farmer or two we know and the price is always cheaper and the taste is always better, providing you're able to consume it within the first couple years. We haven't always gotten to everything in that period of time. It's still edible after that, but it starts to taste more like the freezer after that.

It is strange going from several years of buying meat through the farmer and then going to the store for it. Not only do the prices shock you, but so does the quality. And to get the quality you get directly from the farmer, you end up paying double or triple because they slap organic on it.

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