FFF ~ Washington Safety Conference Food Comas ~ Food Fight Friday

in #fff5 years ago (edited)

Those brown bread sandwiches look tasty. A very interesting entry. Those burgers and fries look amazing too.

I don't know if you feel the same way @jlsplatts, but getting new tires on a vehilce is always so comforting. Looks like you have traveled this route several times, as there seemed to be no hesitation in where you guys were going to dine.
The Washington Safety Conference you attended looked like it was something I would enjoy. I do believe that I have told you before that I love watching other professionals applying their craft.
The Arc-Flash Demo Trailer reminded me of an incident I witnessed when #farm-mom and I were first married and living in a rented house. About 25 yards behind our home were some power lines. The family that lived directly behind us were short wave radio enthusiasts.
They were in the process of moving their radio antenna. Both the father and son were re-positioning the antenna, and it made contact with the power lines. The father lived, but his son was not as lucky.
Making one of these contraptions, and then going out on the road to educate people of the dangers is a great idea.
Have a great Sunday, and relax a little, will you.
As I was writing this last line, I had a good chuckle, as I was up by 5:00 AM, and over my cup of coffee I was making my list for the day. Maybe I should follow my own advice. 😊

I could honestly sit there all day and mess around with that trailer. I actually talked to me CEO this morning about building one... this is going to be AWESOME!!! What a great teaching tool for the public.

Can see it or hear it but when you touch it... lights out!!

I actually did take some time and relax on Sunday. Can you believe it!! Lol

How creative. Not my world . but cool.

Man you can eat. Woof... I would love me some of the fish-n-chips, love crunchy too. I'll take that cheesecake also...pretty please.

Yakima? Something about food and Yakima doesn’t sound right.

And that was a lot of food.

Good lookin shoes you got your rig, but not as cool as that Jacob’s ladder. I’m sure you’ll document that one.

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 62
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck
Have a

I know exactly how you feel about photos not doing the food justice but I must say, the food you had on that trip all looks amazing! It's about an hour before lunchtime here and you've made me hungry now!
It's quite scary buying tyres nowadays, the cost is unreal!

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