
That picture of your muddy face is frikkin funny!

It looks better than my clean one 😉

Okay, @jlsplatts. I like pizza a lot, but I do draw the line at mud on it. Not that mud doesn't have its place in the world. Just not on my pizza.

Which, come to think of it, this post was more about mud—how to make it, how to retrieve it, and presumably how to avoid it. Or not, depending on how you like your pepperoni pizza.

So, I guess that makes mud an official food. My granddaughter will be happy about that. I don't think I'm going to tell her. :)

Mud pies anyone??? Lol as the pizza brushed my mustache I knew there were chunks of dried mud fallin on the pizza. Oh well, I am hungry and I ended up eating all but one piece of a large pizza. Not to shabby if I do say so myself.

Haha… jayzus! Take a shower fool… haha. Happy food fight :)

That mud really exfoliates and dries out the skin too Dang!!! Ha ha ha

Yeah, some people pay good money for a mud mask… perks of your job :)

And I get paid double time to get one. That is a deal if I ever saw one!!

Haha… Dandays used to take pictures of his turds and say “there goes 150 bucks down the drain”. That was on double time days. 🤦🏼‍♀️

It’s better to poop on the clock than on your own time. Getting paid to poop is the only way to poop.

Only double time turds are worth it.

Man, that Vac-trailer sounds like fun. I coulda done with that when we dug our pond last spring. I think I would want the pizza first though, without the side of mud 😁

I thought only the ladys got mud facials hahalol

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