Foodfight Friday- Homemade Potato soup

in #fff5 years ago

I've had these potatoes for sometime, just never felt like messin'
With them.
So this morning, I started off by rendering the last of the thick
Sliced pepper bacon I had (ate it up yum)and poured off the
Remaining fat.

I cut out any bad spots, deep eyes and a lot of the peels

Then using my handy dandy device

I sliced the potatoes into the pot with all the bacon bits left
in the bottom, to deglaze with some water

After bringing it to a boil for a while (not long) I used a spoon
To finish breaking up some of the slices that didn't quite get
Sliced through.
I put some corn starch in some water, with some milk

and added that to the mix

And again, brought it all to a slow simmer.
Final touch

Using my immersion blender and some sour cream then


"Homemade Potato Soup"

Jerry E Smith
all images original

These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks

Self Portrait from about 1978


Hooray for the auto post working! I saw you warned me earlier in the week, so had to make sure to check back in. Coincidentally my sister just sent a funny bacon joke to get my goat. ;) I do love some potatoes, though. Just like @puravidaville, I can eat them in any form! Hope you are recovering well!

Thanks @plantstoplanks. I have good days and bad.

Scheduled Post Worked!

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 43
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck

Nice to see you again, Jerry, happy Friday! My mother wasn’t much of a cook, for example, a signature dish of her was an ‘S.o.S’ that consisted of some ground meat and burnt toast but potato soup?? Oh man, she made a mean potato soup, Jerry! Thanks for the reminisce, sir, good luck with this contender.

This was posted last Tuesday, but I used Steemauto to delay the post until today.
Wasn't sure it would work, but it DID! ha ha...
Thank you @dandays.

Get me a bowl and a few cornbreads muffins and I will be loading up for seconds in no time!! Thanks for sharing a tasty potato soup recipe with us, looks pretty easy I just might have to steal it. Lol

It IS pretty easy, but if you need help with something I may have left out,
Just ask and I'.l be happy to fill in the gaps. Thanks for commenting

Yum! Who doesn’t love some homemade potato soup. The bet part is you get to top it with a ton of stuff or nothing at all if you want. I think I can eat potatoes in any form- they should be a superfood. Haha. Happy food fight @jerrytsuseer. I’m glad to see you’ve made it out of your surgery. Welcome to the other side 😉

Good Morning my friend, the soup looks awesome. Sounds like your surgery went well? Hope you are feeling better

I can walk about almost always without
Any sort or assistive device. My main thing right now is the swelling in my
Right foot. I'm supposed to keep it elevated while I'm sitting here at the
Computer, but I just can't do that, it's not comfortable, there isn't
Enough space to bring a chair over.
Right ankle swelling.jpg
I sit in a recliner when I'm watching TV, and I lay down a lot.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting @farm-mom

I hope all is going well after your surgery. Its a good thing you didn't lose your appetite while still recovering. We wouldn't want to see you fade away.
My Mom would make a great potato soup, matter of fact quite often. I think it had to do with finances more so than the fact we all loved it.
Hope you are up and about soon @jerrytsusser.

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