
Yeah. A guy from church works as general manager for a company that places coin/cash/credit card operated machines in all kinds of different locations. They're the non-vending kind. So, you have your games like pinball and the like, large screened video arcade games, the crane games where you try to catch a prize, redemption games where you get tickets you can redeem for a prize, juke box machines, etc., and then you have ATM machines. The job I would do would be to go around collecting money and restocking the toys or money, in the case of ATMs. Probably around 30-40 hours a week, give or take

He had someone else he was interviewing, and also took out on a ride along, and apparently the owner, while not so hands on, wants to be a part of the hiring process, so the guy I know was going to talk to the owner and get back to me by the end of the week. That didn't happen, so either he didn't get a chance yet to talk to the owner, something else is holding things up, or I wasn't hired. I doubt he forgot to let me know I had the job, though. :)

oh, very interesting. So this guy approached you at church?

Hey, @janton.

Actually, no. So there are meetings the leadership of the local church holds before the Sunday services, so he had mentioned there that he had an opening and asked if anyone knew of someone. I had told another leader I was looking and he mentioned me to this other guy. So, then I texted him Monday to see how to apply and I ended up at his house that evening for an "interview." It was a laid back kind of thing and he did most of the talking. :)

Howdy sir Glen! oh I get it, that's the best way to get a job that's for sure. But what happened, did you find anything out today about the position?

He's been down in California the last few days—some kind of an emergency, not sure if it's work or personal—so he hasn't had a chance to talk to the owner yet. Flight back was today (I don't know what time) so I haven't heard anything from him today. He did say he was sorry that it was dragging out.

what do you think about the job? I mean it's as far from what you want to do as can be and you might hate it but it's something for now and your wife would like it.

My wife wasn't thrilled with it when I told her about it—after telling me I just had to get anything, including part-time, she thinks it doesn't pay very much to start and since there's no insurance (even though she has it) she doesn't like that either. :)

If I'm going to work for someone else, I'd like to be able to interact with as few people as possible and just do my job. I wouldn't be dependent on anyone else, and I wouldn't be sharing the route (as far as I know) with anyone, so it's mainly just me and the routine of the machines. Since they're all different in some fashion, that will take some time to learn, but I don't know. It seemed like something I could do that wouldn't require a lot of brain power, being exerted. Which is fine. And it's not like I have to do it forever. It might actually help when it comes to finding a better paying job.

So, anyway. I hope to know more sometime this week. If not, I guess I keep applying and seeing what happens.

So you are determined to find a job after what your wife sounds like.
well, I like the sound of that job as long as it isn't in a big city, I could enjoy that, traveling around, being on my own, not a brain strainer, I like that part about it! lol. It might work out pretty well if you get it. I'm a little surprised at her reaction though, after all this time I thought she'd be totally thrilled.

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