Making Bread is Family Fun! An #FFF Prequel ~ #breadbowlssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fff4 years ago

I have been anxiously anticipating making this recipe I had found online almost two weeks ago. Unfortunately, (but fortunately, lol) I couldn't find any bakeries that had any bread bowls in stock. They just don't have enough people that want them, so they don't make them...weird. So what did I do? I found out how to make them myself. I have never in my life made any bread before and was fairly daunted by the mere thought of it. I remember watching my step-dad make loaves in a bread machine some 20 years ago. But that's as close as I ever got. I don't have a bread machine, so this was going to be as basic as bread making could be.


I found the simplest recipe I could find online and went to the store. I already had the flour, salt, and warm water, all that was missing is for sure the most important ingredient in making any type of bread, and that is the yeast.

I got my flour measured out (and even sifted it, not sure of that helped or not, but I know it helps get rid of clumps) and poured it into my fancy mixer. Then I added the salt and yeast and mixed it all together. Then poured in the warm water. Set the mixer on level 1 and let it do its thing. I noticed a good amount of flour still sitting at the bottom so I added a tiny bit more warm water and watched everything start to come together.


After a good mix, I pulled it off and poured a small dab of oil into a bowl and coated the bread ball. I then covered the bowl with a towel for an hour to let the bread rise.


With the magic of the internet...1 hour later and presto! Raised bread!


Next was to separate the one big dough ball into 4 separate bread balls which would turn into my bread bowls. For this I had the help of my lovely daughter, who was more than happy to help.



After scoring the top with an X, it was back on with the towel to let the bread rise for another 30 minutes.


While that was happening, it was time to get the kids ready for bed....which means silly time at my household. In their jammies they go and brush their teeth. Can't forget to take some silly photos too.






Would you look at the time? The bread has risen and into the oven they go for 25 minutes.

Magic internet again and BOOM! BREAD BOWLS!!!


Not the most perfect bread bowls I had even seen, but they would suffice.

But what to fill these delicious and flaky bread bowls with????

Find out tomorrow at #foodfightfriday!!! Hope to see you there!


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This article is deserving of all of its reward and then some, @intothewild. Looks ike you’ve made some brass now—dough, close enough. Good job, dad! She’s lucky to have you.

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