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RE: The Return of Grandpa's Gotta Cook: Shepherd's Pie

in #fff5 years ago

Well, thank you, @puravidaville. It's good to be back. Hopefully, I can make it stick for a while, too, though I have no idea if I'm cooking tomorrow or not. My wife's birthday is today, but she had to work it, and so we've been planning for weeks to do something, but for the last several days, the weather forecast has been threatening snow—we had some several days ago, so who knows, but it's probably more likely we'll get rain. If we end up going out, I'll have to try and come with something else to write about next Friday. That's been an ongoing issue.

I'm glad you like reading about my "inner council members" aka "picky eaters" aka "family drama." :) Someone needs to be entertained by it.

re: leaving out the "traditional veggies."

I really think it worked out for the better. When I imagine the flavoring I would have got with the other vegetables and what I got out of this—no comparison. Hands down better. :)


You know you can document your meals while eating out and call that a food fight Friday post? It’s strange to hear you guys are looking at snow. It’s bloody hot where we are in the world. I don’t it equally strange when my mom calls me and tells me it’s pouring rain where she is. We don’t seem that far away from you guys to have such polar weather differences. Happy birthday to the wife! I hope you two enjoy your celebration together. Fingers crossed it doesn’t snow 🤞

Thank you for the birthday well wishes for my wife. It did actually snow, for about half an hour, enough to leave maybe a quarter of an inch before it started to melt. I think we're supposed to be getting more later, but the weather forecast has been changing more than it usually does so it's hard to tell.

I don't know about you, but Costa Rica seems like a long ways away to me. :) For you both, though, it's probably a good thing to feel connected. I wouldn't mind some of that hot weather (for a while, anyway).

re: document meals

Oh, I'm aware. The problem is, my wife doesn't like to eat out a whole lot, and I'm not really supposed to do it by myself (though I do for lunch), and when I do, it's more fast food and similar fare. There's not enough new stuff coming out to try, so I end up with much of the same thing.

Anyway, some of that is providing an excuse, so I need to just get cracking with something food related, to fill in the weeks where I haven't cooked. We'll see how that goes. :)

Ground hog day at the restaurant sounds like an interesting post to me 😉. I’m glad the snow wasn’t debilitating for you two. If I could send some of this sunshine over I would. When we were in the states, Costa Rica definitely seemed pretty far but now that we are here it feels a lot closer. Or maybe the world just feels a bit smaller… either way the polar differences are so fascinating being that it’s the same continent. Mind you, both of us are on sensory overload everyday because everything is brand new. I think we are still taking a lot of it in in awe. Ask me how how close I feel to the US in a year or two. I bet the answer will look a little different. Always nice chatting with you Glen :)

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