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RE: Grandpa Gotta Cook—Chili Con Carne With Cornbread

in #fff5 years ago

Hey, @thebigsweed.

Yeah. In full agreement about the overtime, considering last week's hours were less than 40. It's a never know what's going to happen type of situation, but the bills don't ever seem to take a break, unfortunately.

re: slower cook it

I'm glad someone picked that out. :)

We had the chili again yesterday (since there was quite a bit left over), and it may have actually improved as it sat in the refrigerator. The cornbread was pretty much gone the first night, though I did actually find a couple of pieces someone had stuffed into the bread drawer. Figured I should probably eat it before someone else did, because, well, why not? :)


#farm-mom used you recipe to make chili for us last night. Hotter than usual, for me the hotter the better. The one thing she did change is that she used a mild sausage instead of ground beef. No corn bread to go along with the meal, but she did make home made bread that was delicious.
The bills only stop when we stop @glenalbrethsen

Hey, @the bigsweed.

Well, cool on making the recipe. No cornbread, but homemade bread. Sounds good to me.

re: the bills

I don't think they stop even then. :)

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