Grandpa Gotta Cook—Crockpot Chicken Burrito Bowl

in #fff5 years ago

On this week's edition of Grandpa Gotta Cook...

I cooked most of last week, and so far, most of this week. I've kept strictly to the four hour crockpot recipes, and for the most part, the food has been good along with the experience.

Today for Food Fight Friday, I share with you the Chicken Burrito Bowl.



If you missed last week's Grandpa Gotta Cook post, I revealed that my few weeks absence and now cooking multiple times a day is linked to the fact I am a grandpa again. Grandchild Numero Tres was born on Mother's Day, being a part of the reason why my STEEM routine has been out of whack, and the only reason why I've been cooking eight out of the last 11 days.

I don't think I said this last week, but I was concerned cooking so much would take even more time away from STEEM, but using the crockpot has actually been helpful, so while there's still prep and clean up time, I'm not standing around waiting for different parts of a dinner to cook.


Okay, so the Chicken Burrito Bowl. The top image shows the end result of what went into the crockpot first, which included two skinless and boneless chicken breasts, olive oil, onion powder, garlic powder, chili powder, cumin, salt, pepper, chicken broth and diced tomatoes—plus what went in later.

The rice you see went in after the chicken cooked in the rest of the mixture and was subsequently removed, shredded and added back in later. Black beans were supposed to go in with the rice, but not everyone in the family likes beans, so they became an optional item, along with what you see directly above: avocado, fresh tomatoes, more cheese (more Colby Jack to compliment what went into the crockpot when the chicken went back in) and sour cream.


While it was supposed to be a four hour recipe, it was actually closer to five, since it took a while longer for the chicken to cook and then the rice needed time, too.

How did it taste?

I think it turned out really well. The rice was more of a Spanish rice than Mexican, but with the black beans, avocado, tomatoes and sour cream added, it tasted like a burrito would, without the tortilla. I intended to have a salsa ready, but failed to do so. I think that's the only thing it may have lacked.

I'm becoming a fan of the crockpot. I've been able to get meals ready to go by 5 pm or thereabouts the majority of evenings, and so far, the reaction from the family has been very favorable. More so than when I was cooking everything conventionally.

That's not to say I want to keep doing this every day. Now that my youngest son is off work for the summer (he works at a school), I'm hoping that means he can take over more of the cooking duties until whatever time the daughter-in-law can resume (I mean, come on, the baby is a month old now and practically driving—What they going to do when they move out? I'm not coming over to cook. Uh Uh).

Well, that's it for this week. Until next time...


All images courtesy of Glen Anthony Albrethsen

Grandpa Gotta Cook is published in conjunction with Food Fight Friday. If you'd like to participate, simply use the tag fff, post about food, do it on a Friday, and then check out the other posts. You might want to vote for your favorite, since this is a weekly contest and some SBI are at stake.


Howdy sir glen! that looks great, no one is going to starve with Grandpa around!

That looks amazing! I'm getting rather fond of the idea of one pot meals. I recently learnt a lemon, butter chicken one which you lay the rice on the bottom then layer sliced chicken on top with done veggies (sweetcorn, spinach and mushrooms are nice with it), then pour the sauce over and bung it in the oven for about an hour. I'll have to write it up... anyway, this recipe reminded me of that. I think I might need to give it a go. Maybe do it similar to the lemon chicken style.

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That dinner sounds really good, @minismallholding. I haven't done a recipe yet that didn't call for at least four hours in the crockpot, though. So, an hour would be even better. :)

I'd recommend the chicken burrito bowl. I think I would add salsa to it after it was done, though, just to give it a little more oomph.

I guess four hours would make the meat softer. If I was using anything but chicken I'd turn the temperature down and leave it longer with even more stock/sauce. What temperature do you usually put the crockpot on?

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It depends on the recipe. It's not an exact setting, but either high or low, and for the most part, the four hour ones have actually been on low heat.

Way to go Grandpa, I use my crook pot a lot especially when I have company. Start the food early and just let it cook. Leaves more time for hanging out with friends and family. I don't know about you, but I actually thought once my kids were educated and out on their own, my life would slow down ehh! No way jose

Hey, @farm-mom.

Yeah. I've heard of folks basically being go, go, go until they passed on simply because family, traveling, or other activities kept them busy.

We've had our youngest son and his young but growing family living with us for a while, so there's been things to keep up on, and such. Now, I'm back to work, so that's narrowing my ability to do things on STEEM, as well as around the house.

I am supposed to continue to cook, but I'm not sure what that's going to look like until a couple of weeks in with this new job when I'm on my own and doing my own route.

Hello there, yeah my hubby told me you were doing that thing called WORK ! Good luck with that !

I was really hoping I can pay you a visit to have some taste of this great food. Lol

I haven't checked, but since it's been quite a few days now, I'd be surprised if there's any left now. :)

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 47
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Good Luck

That poor kid! Everytime I see this I think, "Man that must of hurt!" :)

Thanks for the entry into the next competition. Greatly appreciated.

Glad to see the crock pot meals working out so well.
(I mean, come on, the baby is a month old now and practically driving,)😁
I think that if my family had to eat 8 out of 11 meals that I prepared over the past several weeks, we would all lose a little extra weight.

Yeah, and in my case, I think it's been the opposite. Not so much for the taste, but simply because I've been loading up on the carbohydrates like we were all going into hibernation or something. :)

Excellent review @glenalbrethsen and your burrito looks very appetizing, I am sure that it is sweepingly delicious!

I think it turned out pretty tasty. There might be some changes to the recipe to make it a little more flavorful, but I thought it was good, and since I didn't have to hover over it while it was being made, even better. :)

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Hey, @steemitboard.

I'd really hoped to be at 500 posts by now, but I guess life sometimes has other plans than the ones we make.

At my current clip, I'll hit 500 in two and a half months. Maybe I can speed that up a bit. :)

Burrito bowl...The magic words. Is it legit to have a burrito bowl for breakfast? 🤣

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I can't think of anything more legit than a breakfast burrito bowl. :)

Well, considering I have your endorsement...It's on! ☺️

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank goodness for crockpot. Congratulations! Another week of successful cooking. I bet a lot of love went into the chicken burrito too. :-)
Have a great weekend.

A lot more work went into it, that's for sure. The chicken didn't want to cook enough to shred. Which is strange, since I cooked some other meal that wanted shredded chicken and that worked out just fine. I think there may have been a difference between the thickness.

Yeah. These last two weeks have been better as far as my stress level goes. Still hoping I can get more time off from it, though. :)

You got a stubborn chicken. haha...

Why do you not cut the chicken into small pieces first? Is it because it is more tasty to cook it first then shred it? I am imaging that cooking the chicken whole will contain the juices within, so it will taste better.? As you can see, I know nothing about cooking. :-)

Well, that's me. I was just following the recipe. I think the point may be all of what you say, though, with the idea that the chicken should be shredded rather than cut into small pieces. That's typically how they are in burritos, anyway. I probably could have cut each piece in half—that might have helped, since they were fairly thick.

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