Fruit Annihilation: A Prelude

in #fff6 years ago (edited)

This Is What Happens...

...when Grandpa is left to his own devices to come up with a Food Fight Friday entry.

Our Story...

One by one, the humans of the household have eaten most of the pears. Only one remains, and it decides it must take matters into its own hands. (Figuratively speaking, of course.)

1-Pear—Had Enough_text.jpg

2-Pear monologue_text.png


4-Pear—Starts To Leave_text.jpg

5-Apple—Throws down gauntlet_text.jpg

6-Pear declares its freedom_text.jpg

7-Apple & Pear leap_text.jpg

8-Apple & Pear clash_text.jpg


Fruit Annihilation.png

10-Pinapple beach_text.png

elegant-1769669_1280 cropped.png

About This Post

This 'comic strip' takes the place of this week's Grandpa's Gotta Cook/Eat. It is still done in conjunction with Food Fight Friday, an ongoing weekly contest where participants can receive an award for their efforts. Just write about food, use the #fff tag and post on a Friday. Then, go and look at other entries, and if so moved, upvote and comment.

All images by Glen Anthony Albrethsen, except for three, an apple and a pear with no backgrounds, and the pineapple. They all came from Pixabay. The images were then all taken to Picmonkey and modified using different tools available there.


That is phenomenal @glenalbrethsen!!!

Phenomenal, @weirdheadaches? Well, thank you. It was definitely time consuming, but I did have fun and am more or less content with the result. Hearing from some of you about what you thought helps. As you know, it's helpful when there's some sort of feedback. :)

Haha… you are a genius my friend! I new you’d come through this week. Great frikken food fight. I think you just created a whole new aspect of the contest. That pineapple knows what’s up too 😉. Always great seeing you.

Yeah, the pineapple. It's kind of a leftover from a previous post, since I didn't use that particular image. In fact, it was the first one I tried with the 'comic' format.

re: genius

I'm glad you liked it. Things that I find funny or entertaining aren't always what others find funny or entertaining, so anyway. I've been wanting to do something like this for a while now. It's just not the easiest of things to do, and so there's a time trade off versus the benefit from it. But since I didn't have a cooking entry, and because of our conversation last week, I figured I would go for it. It just took waaaaaaaay longer than cooking and writing about cooking ever would. :)

I feel like someone has already done something like this, maybe not to this extent, on some sort of Food Fight Friday post, but anyway, today's another cooking day, I still don't know what I'm going to cook, but maybe I'll have some cooking tale to tell for next week. :)

I’m so glad you did the post this way. It was super creative and fun to read. The fact that it matches none other makes it an exciting post. I know what you mean about “taking longer than a food post ever would”. I just wrote a lonnnnggg story about one of our many incidents here in Costa Rica and it took me forever. I mean, I hardly wanted to edit it because it took so long. But those are the posts of ours that tend to turn out the best. Sometimes it’s nice to break out of the routine, the comfort, the norm and surprise everyone and ourselves. I’ll still look forward to your cooking take next week 😉

I'm finding there's an effort quotient or cost benefit that needs to be maintained on these posts, or things can get out of balance. And by cost benefit I mean, regardless of its quality, and especially if it's high, the more time you spend on something, the more it has to be upvoted/engaged with to really make it worth the while.

Maybe that sounds bad, but that's how I feel. I'm not much for throwing things into the void and watching it do very little after I've put a lot of time an effort into it. I mean, I could be doing that for free on Facebook if I just wanted to do that.

Yes, there's self-satisfaction (which is kind of where I go regardless, just because I feel like, at the very least, I need to entertain myself to keep going), but If I put in a lot of effort and get very little reaction, it's like, I could have probably made two or three normal posts in that period of time and ended up with more interaction.

So, while I'm happy with the way it turned out, and would probably do something like it again, it just didn't get the same attention as others that took less time to compose.

Damn! I totally understand. It may not Mean much but I really really liked it and @Dandays was very excited by this particular post of yours. The thing about Steemit now is the community is withering and the people who are left are those that have huge wallets or reps and can skate by on those things alone for upvotes. Not everyone, but you catch my drift… It frustrates me when I see great content being ignored and crappy pictures put up with a generic quote that makes 10-15 bucks. I know the reason is because that person has a hefty wallet so people are playing the reciprocation card but it’s discouraging to real content creators. I totally get your point but your post was dope anyway. Screw what the community thinks on this one :)

I very much appreciate the kind words, @puravidaville. I agree that there has been a withering away of the community for a while now, which actually should improve things for those who are still here, and I think it has to some degree.

The problem though is visibility is still an issue, and will be until maybe communities in some form from someone (not necessarily Steemit inc) shows up, and even then, I'm not convinced—it will depend on the implementation and the willingness of STEEM users to jump on board.

I have a hard time calling people out on not upvoting things since I know I don't see all that I could see, even rummaging through curie comments, C-Cubed posts, my feed, and elsewhere. It's way too easy for things to fall through the cracks. And, if people are autovoting (and I understand the idea behind it, and it's not a bad idea in many cases), they're not seeing much, including what they're upvoting, though they may periodically check in to see what's being produced.

So, it is what it is, and I, along with everyone else, has to determine how to best use their time.

@glenalbrethsen. This, sir, is one of the coolest contenders I’ve seen! A+! How long have you been putting together comics like this? The whole story line about the pear, the captions, you just raised the bar in the kitchen, sir. Put me down for whatever number this one is @foodfightfriday!

I found this on our platform this morning—just sayin.

Are you saying we should nominate the fff for the 20,000 SP delegation? That would be amazing, definitely. Rough competition, too. Steemchurch had more nominations than I could count just by itself. Didn't get halfway through the comment section. :)

Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it. If there was anyone out there who would, I figured it would be you. :)

This is actually the first time I've managed to get a multi-paned story together. I've been wanting to do it for a while, and picmonkey had just enough tools on its site to make a satisfactory go with it. They're supposed to have more coming soon, so maybe I'll try another comic strip later. Next time, though, I'll need to have more of a script, since I kind of came up with the concept and then wrote as I went.

I figured it was a freestyle, very cool @glenbrethsen, I think it’s brilliant. It sounds like that was your introduction and you’re just getting started, even more reason to be impressed, I hope you stick it out for awhile. I really think you’re into something. Good job, sir.

About nominating @foodfightfriday, sure, there’s other initiative out there that are massive, God bless’em but even they had to start by screaming from the back row.

Well, I did a little bit of shouting, for what it's worth. We'll see if the fff manages to make the next cut. :)

Yeah, this post was all for fun, since I really don't have anywhere for it to go—but I do want to get into comic book storytelling, just with an artist, etc. I've got three or four different series running in my head, and I've made some headway (half a dozen characters under development), but far from actually launching. We'll see. It would be nice to get back into that somehow.

Pretty interesting story you have hear

Well, thank you, @adenijiadeshina. At the very least, I had some fun with it, though it took way longer to put it all together than I thought it would. Next time, though—now that I have a better idea of what I'm up against—it should go faster. That is, if there is a next time. :)

Hey @glenalbrethsen, Your post has been determined to be Splat-Worthy!! Therefore You’ve been Splatted by the Splatz Curation Trail
Rewarding Your Original Work
With an Upvote
If you find posts worthy of a nasty Splatin’ feel free and mention @splatz in your reply to their post. Call me out!!

hahaha howdy sir Glen! A food cartoon for Food Fight Friday! lol..that's perfect! That was great and it's going to continue? What could happen next? lol..posting about fruit...who ever thought it would come to this. lol. Great job sir Glen, very creative!

Hey, @janton.

The fruit proved to be the easiest thing to try to build a story around. I guess i'm going to need a bunch of different kinds of props if i'm going this route, because the stories in my head have nothing to do with fruit fighting each other. :)

I don't know at this point if it's going to continue or not. That's kind of why it ended there. Didn't have much of anywhere else for it to go yet. :)

haha! yes sir, I would have ran out of story long before that but I agree, I don't know how you continue.
Great job though. Did you ever get into Steem Monsters? Where have you been spending your time?

Nope. Not into Steem Monsters, and I don't really see that happening (though I guess never say never). I haven't really been spending my time anywhere other than on Steemit, reading and such. Working on some motivation and strategy and so forth. Kind of feel like I'm going through the motions right now, and I don't like that. I'm kind of getting tired of searching STEEM for something to comment on, too (that's not a new thing, by the way, since my production has been way off—it's been going on for a while now).

So, anyway, with this, I was more or less trying to entertain myself, I guess, but this took way too long to put together, and so I'd rather not be spending that kind of time when I could do something less time consuming (or two or three of them) and probably see more interaction.

Well sir Glen, if it's boring for you anyway why don't you be bored on the curie commenting and earn while you're being bored? I know that gets boring. You could write those in your sleep! lol.
Hey what about that new DrugWars game that everyone is so excited about?

Not sure if boring quite covers what's going on. There's a cost benefit (time vs. outcomes) that I've dealt with off and on since I started here. They were gone while i was on musing, but they've come roaring back since. There's also this feeling that I've been around long enough, been seen by enough people, etc., that I should be doing better by now, but that's not the case, so I'm fighting that, too.

Whatever boredom there might be probably comes from the fact that I'm just getting tired of reading all kinds of things that I'm just not into. Which includes of the curie and c-squared/c-cubed stuff. There's a lot of good artists, musicians, writers, etc., and some not so great, but after a while, it all just kind of blends together, which probably isn't fair to the ones who do the best work. It also makes me wonder what people see when my stuff goes out. I think it's worthy of recognition, but so does everyone else, or they wouldn't try to put it out there.

So, anyway, not trying to be overly analytical here, but it's not just me being bored with it.

re: drugwars

I have two problems with the game. Drugs and wars. I'm surprised that more people don't have that same problem. I don't want to try to become a drug kingpin. That world is as about as ugly and horrific as it gets, and to glamorize it in a game is appalling to me. There's some things that shouldn't be done to earn tokens and for me, this is one of them. Just because you can do it doesn't mean you should.

I don't know much about the game other than what others have said, and so I don't know just what you see or don't see—this is less about the game and game play and graphics and what have you (since I don't know any of that) and most to do with not seeing redeeming quality ins such a concept from something so abhorrent in evil in real life.

A lot of northern Mexico has been devastated by gangs and drug wars, and I can't look past that. If others can, well, that's their thing, and I'm not going to say anything unless asked, and I probably won't be as direct as I was to you, simply because it's a game and some people cling to their moral equivalency, and regardless, I'm not perfect myself and probably don't have the moral high ground. :)

Howdy back sir Glen! hey on the DrugWars game..I have no idea what that's about, I assumed it was fighting the drug kings, not becoming one! wow that's how naive I am! Well if that's what it is then it sucks and I can't believe so many people on here are flocking to it.
Hey, do you have to be a steemian to play that? I've asked that to several people and never got an answer, they were acting like it could help steemit alot but not if you have to be a member to play.

As far as stuff being worthy of recognition and putting it out there, that's not me 95% of the time. I don't even like posting most of the time, that's just the only way I know to make my account grow. lol. But do you like the way things are going on steemit? except the botwars and all the fighting?

I've not heard anyone talk about taking druglords down, so I don't know if that's even a part of the game. There's not much on the website homepage, but this pretty much says what I've read others talking about.

Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 9.58.50 PM.png

You do have to have a STEEM account to play this particular version. It's a port of a game that started in the 80s, I think.

At any rate, you earn STEEM somehow, or can collect it, something like that, as you play.

re: worthy of recognition

I think your take on the old west, particularly the outlaws, is as good as anything out there. You have a signature folksy, cowboy around the campfire voice that's as genuine as it gets.

I've yet to find my voice, mainly because I only seem to want to go around calling out the people that want to be running this place, but I don't because that's not what I'm here for, and frankly, I don't have any better solutions because I don't know enough, and I'm getting too old to be playing these kinds of games people seem to like to play.

I think STEEM needs to address its visibility issue, and once it does, I think we'll be okay. Communities is the only thing I know in the works from any source that has potential to actually help with visibility, so we'll see if any iteration actually pops up.

I'm really getting tired of the flagging and all the bots. There's not a single thinking person among the lot, and I'm not talking about how they're ruining the platform. I don't think what goes on here really affects the price that much at all. But their stupidity does affect the morale of this place, and since neither side really seems to care who gets in the crossfire, there's no moral high ground for any side.

It's childish, it's inane, and it's idiotic. It serves no purpose other than spreading ill will, and forcing people to choose sides or tip toe around with their head down hoping they don't get hit.

Other than all of that, STEEM's great! :)

hahahahahah.. I missed out to cmment on this post many times because I forgot to save my passkey on the phone..LOL, now your really make a fun action comic strips with the fruits! I'm with the PEAR!! we need to save the last for best!

Hey, @cicisaja.

I'm glad you finally got to comment then! I'm glad you found it fun, too. That's what I was going for, whether it really made any sense or not. :)

it doesn't matter whether it made any sense or not, fun is all we need on steemit right 😂

Good luck in Round 30 of
Food Fight Friday
May your contender survive and not be placed in a permanent food coma!
Don’t forget to head over HERE and cast your vote for @foodfightfriday so we can devour 20k delegation
Thank you

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