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RE: Falafel From Scra-Sk-Sk-Scratch - Food Fight Friday - Round 37

in #fff5 years ago

You know what, Janton, I’m actually going to summarize my 7 day posting streak today that addresses the heat. It’s so hot in this fishing, gulf town, we stay inside. We go outside if we absolutely have to; market, cell phone minutes, that’s about it and you’ll have to take a repeat shower when you return. I take two showers a day minimum here, as many as four. Otherwise it’s just too hot here to do anything.

Example: We ride our bicycles everywhere, that’s our mode of transportation once we get to a new location. When we got to this location a little over two weeks ago, we peddled our bicycles about 40 yards, stopped, peddled back, locked them up and that’s where they’ve been ever since—too hot!

Pura Vida is way ahead of me with her Spanish, I’m actually quite impressed, she’s already carrying on conversations with locals and I lean on her to help me communicate. I’m just a slow learner—always have been, I’ll get it. I’m already doing well, I can understand the language better than I can speak it but I can ride in a taxi and explain where I’m going, order food, make purchases from the local fisherman—I’m developing my Spanish nicely.

Yes, bribery and thievery, I’m very disappointed. The humanity in this country carries ZERO integrity—none! I can’t inagine what it’s like to have no integrity, it’s gross! It’s pitiful and shameful and, even worse, it’s taught here—for multiple generations. Just Friday actually, the cab driver got me for 50 Colones—$.08 USD, can you believe that?! Eight cents, Janton! They’re so far removed from integrity in this country that they believe they’ve earned it when they’re able to steal eight since—it’s hideous.

How’s jack? When Mrs J is working, do you take him for walks? Eh, how excited does he get when you reach for the leash? Does he go wild and start knocking things over?

God bless you, too, my friend! (I’m glad you translated that—it was my very first phrase I learned)


howdy this fine Sunday sir dandays! It's in the 50's right now but supposed to get into the 60's, still cool for this time of year.. and it rained all day yesterday and last night but today it's sunny, bright, and windy. But your weather, wow! Makes me hot just thinking about it. So you just step outside and you're soaked with sweat?

That's too hot and humid for me. And after two weeks you haven't gotten used to it at all? Where do you go next, more up in the mountains?
That is so shocking about the culture of corruption there, that has to be a curse on their economy. Very sad.

Jack is great and we play with him all the time out in the yard but if we take him for a walk or run we use the leash or else he tends to take off and go to a neighbor's house and we're trying to break that habit. So today Mrs. J got him on a leash but when they got outside the gate he took off running so fast that he pulled her down.

This was on the concrete driveway and she let go of the leash but landed on her hands and knees and it took off alot of skin from both hands and fingers and banged up her knees. I was shocked at how hurt she was. Jack came back to her even though he could have kept going so that was good.

He doesn't move me when he runs off like that and comes to the end of the leash, if I'm not running with him, it just jerks him to a stop real fast. But she doesn't have the body weight to stop him. Now she's laying down on the couch all bandaged up! Yes he goes nuts and starts spinning around when he knows he gets to go play or go for a run. lol.

What are your plans today? Not go riding because of the heat so if you go somewhere it's to a restaurant with good air conditioning!


“Don’t walk the dog without it! A million customers served, a million customers satisfied!” Just ask Driver, “go ahead, driver, speak!”


haha! howdy sir dandays! I can't believe you put this together for this comment! lol. That's exactly what she needs because I was asking her how show was going to prevent it from happening again! That's perfect!

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