Enliven your love life with feng shui

in #feng-shui8 years ago

To stimulate emotional security in a relationship Feng Shui advises to pay special attention to two areas - Northwest and Southwest - which represent, respectively, the husband and wife, father and mother. Place certain symbols in these parts of the house helps to create good Feng Shui and strengthens the bonds of union.

The strength of the two cardinal points

These two corners of the house - Northwest and Southwest - have to exist, otherwise there will be a failure in the family base, with the consequent imbalance between Yin and Yang. If you are looking for home because going to marry or live with your partner, pay attention to this detail and with the help of a compass, make sure these corners there, avoiding having to correct this imbalance later.

The northwest and southwest attract couples

If a house missing the corner the northwest, there may be a tendency for the absence of her husband - that can, for example, have a job that requires you to perform constant travel or be away from home for a very long time. A woman who lives alone in a house without Northwest may have difficulty getting married. A lone man must pay more attention to the south-west corner, if you want to find wife.

A house in this area to the northwest stands out and is well lit naturally conveys a powerful energy and the presence of man of quite strong house.

Reinforce the Northwest corner

Thus, it is important to keep the unhampered Northwest space and junk-free as accumulated newspapers and magazines or stacked boxes. Reinforce the energy of this place with lights and crystals, keep it clean and well-lit. It is not advisable to have the house-of-bath, kitchen or pantry located here. The en-suite is the flow of luck "down the drain". Having a pantry in this location can cause the family man the feeling of being trapped, crammed responsibilities, while the kitchen, and in particular the stove, can "ignite" the husband's spirits and cause constant discussions. The best use for home Northwest part are activities that promote family interaction, and as such is a great location for the living room or the dining room.

Avoid treason

The Chinese believe that the best medicine is prevention and, as such, that the best way of dealing with treason is to prevent it from happening. Feng Shui teaches some basic principles so that your husband feel good in your home and do not have the temptation to engage in an extramarital affair. Ensure that there is in your home a corner located northwest. If not, solve this energy imbalance by placing a bright light in the area missing and turning the pointing up. If you have a pantry located in this part of the house, remove the cupboard there and, if possible, bring down the wall so that the energy circulate. If this is not possible, at least paint this part of the house with bright colors, which will help to renew the energy of the relationship.

Strengthen energy Yang

If you are in the northwest part of the house the kitchen and can not change it from location, change the position of the stove, preventing it is even in the corner the northwest. If you are here situated en-suite and also can not move it, keep it always well-lit and hang wind chimes messengers with six metal tubes on the outside of the en-suite door. Thus strengthen Yang energy in the Northwest part of the house is outside the house-of-bath.

Perpetuates happy moments

Place Quartz crystals Northwest conveys stability to her husband, fostering in him the desire to be at home. Hang the northwest part of the house a picture with the man of the family smiling, surrounded by his wife and children. This type of symbolic object is a powerful tool to attract good Feng Shui in a marriage, it perpetuates the evocation of happy times. It is essential that everyone in the family have a happy and smiling air.

Not attract third parties

Feng Shui indicates that it should not hang mirrors in the room, especially placed to reflect the bed, as they tend to attract a third person. You can avoid this by keeping the mirrors covered with a cloth when not being used.

Powerful Tips for marital harmony

There is a Taoist ritual that suggests putting a geode Amethyst under the double knotted bed with a red ribbon at the foot of the bed that is the right beneath your feet (not your head), and the woman should sleep on the right side of the bed and the man left. According to this tradition, the amethyst brings good luck to the couple and preserves the faithful husband to the wedding.

According to Feng Shui, you should never put pictures of sexy women Northwest, including paintings with female nudes, although they can be works of art by famous painters. All possible infertility symbols should be removed from this part of the house. Avoid having objects in odd number, before looking to have pairs of birds, animals, etc.

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