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RE: Response To- Man Hater? by @craftyselena85

in #feminist8 years ago

Hate is hate, called by any other name still smells like shit. I hate election time, it stirs up the shit...gender, race, soon as election is over, it's back in the closet where all the other shit is hidden. Seriously....they don't care, the powers that feed off of this shit, they're using our hate to manipulate us.


How did this become about politics?

Ill still be calling out ignorance after the election.

I have been on the net chatting with people since the late 90s during election periods for the executive office chat boards are inundated with this crap....I should write an article with all the examples. I never see any change in the media regarding using women/men's bodies to sell product or ideology but I hear about it 24/7 during campaign time. As soon as election is over people look for the next trendy issue

George W.] Bush and [Barack] Obama have much in common. The wars of both presidents, and the wars of Clinton and Reagan, Carter and Ford, Nixon and Kennedy, are justified by the enduring myth of exceptional America - a myth the late Harold Pinter described as “a brilliant, witty, highly successful act of hypnosis.”

The clever young man who recently made it to the White House is a very fine hypnotist, partly because it is so extraordinary to see an African-American at the pinnacle of power in the land of slavery. However, this is the 21st century, and race - together with gender and even class - can be very seductive tools of propaganda. For what matters, above race and gender, is the class one serves. Power, Illusion, and America’s Last Taboo by John Pilger

I would love it if the stupid stopped after the election but I only see the stupid growing. lol

Well, let's stop feeding it....

I will not support stupid and I have to call it out.
The free market of ideas is needed to fix the level of retard people constantly pour out.

I have been taught to speak in a way that helps to heal but I really suck at talking and writing. I usually walk away because just yelling at stupidity doesn't help. I usually end up yelling...But I agree we have to speak up, but how to do this with compassion is usually beyond my abilities.

By the way craftselena sounds really confused and I don't blame her....

I agree she sounds confused, hopefully she figures it out.

Time will tell, I'm old and I noticed time is a great teacher.

Agreed. Divisive crap to make people fight.

Divide et impera! I see men and women as complementary ....but that view does not make a lot of profit and for those who don't fit this socirties gender roles look up Two Spirit people of Native Americans.

You are definitely my spirit sister. So glad I met you.

I knew it! It's the chickens, they are very spiritual...haha!!!

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