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RE: Feminist Rant

in #feminism7 years ago

"Feminist Rant"? First world problems ma'am. I wouldn't understand most of your feminist jingoism but I really can see women dying in my part of the world. Not dying in the soul, or some other figurative dying but actually departing from this earth just because of laws made by men.
But they don't get to make rants and then expect people to disagree with them and stuff like that. They're struggling to break away from the chains of social slavery that has had them bound for centuries. When I see women in the West talk about female objectification and then men retort with how it is reversed on them and female empowerment that has actually got nothing to making women really strong, I laugh at the world. Then I cry a little because while women in the West are busy talking about the privileges they want, women in my country are dying just because they are menstruating


Demonize you? I see the problem here. You just think that your are "entitled" to so much and then people need to agree to you everytime over really vague concepts.
Well, I have been vegan for the last 26 days too but I don't need to show off my body every other day on Steemit. I would be putting my personal self out to be judged by the world, wouldn't I?

I also don't need to post selfies of my progress, but I like to. I am proud of it. I don't see how that is relevant. Go on and try to discredit me for being proud of myself and sharing my pride with others. I'm a proud Cuban woman and nothing you say to me about entitlement is going to change that.

Haha! It's funny because I was actually just looking through my phone's gallery to see if I had any selfies to share.

I didn't. I'll probably take one tomorrow.

You see its really difficult on the men already. They have to learn to differentiate between feminists, feminazis and attention seeking women who play the woman card on social media as per their convenience.

Oh wow. You're right. I hadn't considered how absolutely trying it must be to be a man and have to READ a PERSON in order to figure them out.
Oh wait... women have to read others, and also live in fear. Hang on... it sounds like you're whining.

Hahahaha..playing the woman card quite well. Live in fear?? Opressed much?? Want your own identity??
Maybe you should build something for yourself instead of trying to seek attention on social media. One minute you clamour for all the attention, the next moment you complain about getting the attention.

There are different forms of attention. Some are welcome, some are not. Posting to steemit is much like posting to a personal blog. Whether it gets attention or not is not the goal. The goal is to share things in a blog format. You don't like women. I get that. Just move along. assumptious. You're not looking for "followers" on Steemit then? Its so personal for you? You have a problem admitting your fake, attention seeking feminism. Just move along.

Oh no, I'm not fake, I actually exist. As for followers on steemit, I"m pretty sure that's everyone's goal on here. Everybody wants to make a little money. I"m certainly not seeking "attention" for attention's sake. But yes, posting my selfies definitely does get me more followers, more upvotes, and therefore more money to buy my groceries.

Are you done, or do you intend to attack something else?

Just because the situation is far worse in another part of the world doesn't make it any less of a problem over here. So just because we aren't dying, you want to call us privileged? Because being "allowed" to live is a privilege? I thought it was a human right. Of course, the whole world is fucked, but how can you try to demonize me or make me feel any less just for being human, for expressing my emotion, and for sharing an experience with other humans?

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