Do men need to check their privilege?

in #feminism8 years ago (edited)

Gender activists tell us that men carry around with them an invisible knapsack of advantage. Well, is this true and is it the whole story? AEI Scholar Christina Hoff Sommers (FACTUAL FEMINIST) checks the facts.

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Christina Hoff Sommers is amazing and has a lot of great videos out. I think she is my favorite feminist. You should check her out.


CHS is a little bit, okay a lot of awesome. she is intelligent, well researched, and she is not shy. have you seen anything from Girl Writes What? if you enjoy CHS, you will probaly benefit from Karen Straughan and Girl Writes What on youtube.

never heard of them, ill look them up now.
I learned about CHS from the milo, crouder and her talk that had triggly puff.
I haven't seen a video of hers yet that I didn't think was on point. sooner or later im sure I will see one though.

i don't know, she's pretty badass.

Karen Straughan is Girl Writes What. i guess that was unclear, sorry.

I'd like to see one of these feminists go out and work on a loading dock, lift some boxes and inhale fumes. Do that and I'll take them seriously. This is a pretty good video debunking the male privilege myth.

what? have reality fact-check the claims of dingalings? we cant let THAT happen! ;>

I don't understand why she would call herself a feminist though. The whole point of feminism is to say men have it easier because of their sex/gender, the whole point is to say that men created the world for their benefit and at the expense of others. That's why I don't understand how someone who can see some of the lies and even calls them out would identify as such.

She has other videos where she talks about how fake stats and feminism running on myths not facts is actually hurting women and stuff like that. She is a feminist but not the kind that plays victim. She is a strong indempendant woman that is highly educated and not falling for anyones bullshit no matter the gender. I think has a lot to do with the fact that she wants equality like feminists use to want. Im just guessing though as for I can not speak on her behalf nor would I want to.
Guess that's the big difference from 3rd wave movement and traditional feminists that just wanted equality.

nit-picky feminism does ruin things for women. like the biggest issue is whether a guy calls a woman 'sweetie' and that's supposed to mean he's evoking patriarchy. The personal is political gets taken way too far.

I agree.
im sure they will try to push the political/personal even more given time.

Feminism started out as women having rights they were denied, which should be fundamental to all. Contrasting with men is where it goes wrong I'm totally with you. How hard a persons life is relates to individual circumstances. Anyone can look around and see there's both men and women who have it rougher than ourselves.

I try to not let misogynists be representives of men's rights. I appreciate it when men don't see misandrists as representing the base ideas of women's rights. As CHS says, there's no need for this divisiveness.

One thing I dislike about feminism is the focus on 'parity' in careers. I would like to see more women in trades but whether or not its ever 50/50 doesnt matter.

It's easy to say 'well women arent taking up these blue collar careers', but it's true there are obstacles for women which are a strong influence; not all job sites have accomodations in camps for women, maybe it is logical for women to be wary of working with all men in certain environments. And there's still many social deterents which I've known personally. It became easier for me to do my own thing and test my comfort zone when I got into my late 20s. People are very young when they leave high school to decide on what career to try. So it makes sense why women end up in universities over trades, at least to me. How many women are ever exposed to that kind of work. A lot of schools stopped having shop classes when the 'get a degree' shit started being applauded as the thing to do to be successful.

Its funny that she calls berself "Factual Femenist" and so little of what she says is facts

citations then please?

Wow. That's a hard one because she just shoots to all directions. I liked it when she started talking about how more men are in jail. How the hell is this relevant?

You know what I thought when I saw it? I thought that if Socrates will come back to life and see this stuff (which is pretty standard US conservative rethoric), he would say, "Quick! Give me the cup of poison!'

I liked it when she started talking about how more men are in jail. How the hell is this relevant?

Relevant because men get 60% harder sentencing then women for the same crime?

I think Socrates would be asking you for citation too. She has all her facts backed up by evidence. I am still waiting for you to provide some to prove where she was wrong.

I am not saying she is right, im saying I have not been shown where she is wrong yet.

Of course you can't see where she is wrong. That's how sophism works

I cant see where she is wrong because I have not been preseted with evidence to show she is wrong.
as I just said to you,

"I am not saying she is right, im saying I have not been shown where she is wrong yet."

I would really like if you could provide some evidence on your claims of her being wrong. but I will not blindly believe just because you said she is wrong. I like evidence, facts, reason and logic.

So please provide citation because you hold the burden of proof when you make statements.

That damn replies depth limit... Okay look, I am not dodging the issue. It's just that it's not a matter of this quote or another. I'll tell you what: I will write an article about sophism and use this video as an example.

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