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RE: Lena Dunham Supports the Extinction of Straight White Men - Where's the Outcry?

in #feminism8 years ago

This is what it comes down to, isn't it? It's just rarely said out loud. Attractive women actively benefit from a patriarchy, so they support it more often then unattractive women, who can feel powerless in a patriarchy.

Not to say there aren't attractive feminists and unattractive anti-feminists, but still. Most of the notorious feminists are unattractive.


Well, let’s not bent the stick too much in one direction. Patriarchate taken to the extreme is a bad thing. A woman shouldn’t be beaten, stoned or blamed in being evil. They should be given equal voting rights and equal pay if they want to work. Stuff like that. But now it is getting bent in another way. Men are afraid to come close to women and say anything in fear of being blamed for sexual harassment or date rape. Women can literally say anything against a white man, anything at all and it would be considered “spunky.” That’s not right.
Women should also understand that white men or men, in general, are not very nice to each other as well. They are in competition at the workplace. Thus, once a woman competes with them for the work spot, she stops being a woman and becomes a competitor, and the shit she has to put up with at the work place is just a proof that she’s treated as equal.

Women shouldn't be beaten or stoned - but no one should.

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