It's Never a Woman's Fault - How Women's Wrong Deeds are Always a Call for Help

in #feminism7 years ago

I was reading the newspaper last night, and came across an interview with a female arsonist, currently serving five years in prison for setting fire to several buildings, destroying property and endangering the lives of many in the process.

The whole tone of the interview and all around article bugged me.

While the arsonist was repentant, the article wasted no time in adding an expert - female - into the mix to remind everybody that while, yes, women sometimes - not as often as men, mind you - do cause harm and damage like this, they are mostly "calls for help".

It's not really the woman's fault, she was just in a very bad situation and simply had no other choice other than to set buildings on fire. Had somebody just listened to her, offered her a shoulder and really understood what she was going through, all of this could have been avoided.

But that did not happen, and the woman was driven into a corner, and when all else was lost, she was basically forced to destroy these buildings.

That's how it goes. She was really the victim in all of this.

See, this is a great example of this sort of low key, everyday feminism that's all around us, but most never pay any attention to.

Anybody who's ever spent a minute debating with a feminist knows that when you bring up the fact that men and women are already equal in front of law, and have been for a long time, you get bombarded with statements about how it's not just the legislature that matters, there are still sexist attitudes all around us, and this, that and the other thing.

Among the alleged - and admittedly existent - sexist attitudes, it rarely, if ever, gets mentioned that somehow men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do, and women are twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted.

The explanation for this, obviously, is that even in this time and age of equality, we are still hardwired to see women as the victims, and less evil than men by default.

This is despite the fact that women are pretty damn capable of some absolutely horrific shit. Sometimes in such a manner that would leave most men terrified.

The same goes for cheating, too.

When a man cheats, he's an asshole and a bad person. It doesn't matter that kind of a relationship he was in; it doesn't matter whether his wife was giving him sex at all; it doesn't matter if she was throwing things at her during rage fits. Whatever happened during their relationship at home is irrelevant. The fact remains that the man was a pig and did a wrong thing and has no value as a human being.


When a woman cheats, it's magically still the man's fault.

Women are never responsible for their cheating, they were just driven into that situation through circumstances beyond their control. Her husband was not mindful or attentive enough. He was at work a lot. He wasn't exciting enough. She had daddy and abandonment issues, or whatever the fuck.

Of course the wife cheats, she has no other choice. She has needs. She can't be trapped in a bad relationship like this, she has to be allowed to be happy and live and be free. If anything, it's just self expression.

And a cry for help.

It just happens, on its own. And it happens because she's the victim.

I'm totally okay with expecting different things from the two genders, but if feminism wants people to be equal, it's not always going to be pretty, because being born a man is, in a lot of ways, a really raw deal, and most women honestly couldn't handle that shit.


This article is -- quite ironically -- sexist. Men have so many advantages designed into society that takes like this come across as pretty sad whinging for "men's rights.". I say this as a man. I don't think I can flag something for being risibly stupid and dumbly sexist so I'll just shower it with a no vote.

Articles like this are not just dumb but they create a less inclusive Steemit community. Why does inclusivity matter? Because the more people on Steemit the more your Steem and your future rewards are worth.

Good luck in life and on Steemit.

The sexism isn't ironic, it's by design.

And there's no way I'm kissing anyone's ass for rewards. If that's your thing, go for it.

And if men have so many advantages in society, why do men commit all the suicides? Why is that?

Go ahead and flag. Just do it.

Lol, I'm not handing out rewards or interested in ass kissing and I already said that I don't flag for dumb sexism. Just interested building a strong, diverse big Steemit.

Suicide and the composition of its victims is beyond the scope of this comment. If you want to know more about it I recommend volunteering for a suicide hotline -- it was very enlightening to me on the subject. Job loss and money cause many suicides and historically a lot of bankers killed themselves during downturns and...depressions. The world is deep and complicated.

And why does lack of money depress men so much?

Because no woman will want them. And they will be all alone.

Men have so many advantages, so it's ok that women are treated with way softer hands when they commit crimes? Sure, why not.

What "advantages" do men have "designed into society"?

" I say this as a man."

Appeal to gender as authority: check. Sexism/hypocrisy achievement unlocked.

"Men have so many advantages designed into society "

Falsehood stated as fact with no evidence: check.

When was the last time you got hired for being attractive? When was the last time you didn't get fired because Title IX? When did you last receive alimony, or child support? Do you have any idea how much lighter sentencing is for women for the exact same, or even worse crimes, as men? Ever falsely gotten a Lacrosse team expelled "because rape"?

I just wrote an article on this "feels over reals" nonsense. For some reason (probably, cultural indoctrination since birth, if you are in the west, since you claim to be male), it just "feels" right to you that women are somehow "oppressed" by the "patriarchy", so you will state it as fact and tar anyone who doesn't agree, despite a lack of evidence. Maybe because you read it in history (history has admittedly been pretty brutal to both genders), but probably just because everyone told you so. You will be unable to cite any actual ways that women are oppressed (you will probably choose fallacies like the fabricated "gender wage gap"), and will be unable to rebut the many that disprove your assertion. However, chances are low you will change your mind. "C'est la vie, life is cruel, treat you unfairly."

"being risibly stupid and dumbly sexist"

No evidence provided for assertion: check.

Why don't you try an argument style that isn't a statement of unsupported opinion, followed by ad hominem?

My attention is scarce and valuable, sorry.

hey Schatten, I appreciate you bringing focus to some of the differing privileges of being a woman. It's totally true, women bodied people do tend to get a number of privileges from our culture. And they tend to be pretty different privileges then what men tend to get. I've definitely been hit by a girlfriend, also the same girlfriend turned around and accused me of hitting her, which was really scary and hard for me, because I didn't hit her.

That being said. I do think it's really important to note that the word Feminism absolutely does not mean the same thing to everybody. There are thousands of very different ideas of Feminism. I know there are some gals out there who have a lot of anger towards the 'GENERALITY' of men..I'm sure we've all felt it. But there are also a LOT of women who judge YOU for you are, and aren't in to making sweeping generalizations about 1/2 of the people on earth just based on what type of genitalia they have.

Is everyone who enjoys watching football a lazy, suburban, overly chubby house husband who can't play any sports himself? Obviously not. You would be hard pressed to be able to contain the VAST DIVERSITY of different people who love to watch football in a single sentence, other than that they 'love to watch football'. Does anyone actually appreciate being lumped into a grossly unspecific category?

At any rate, women and men are certainly not treated the same in our society, and probably not in any society. I'm not sure they SHOULD be treated the same. We're different, and yet, what's the ultimate goal?? Do we want to scourge women, and shame them for being so privileged, or do we want to help each other understand our experiences, and so that we can fully respect and value each other's contributions and struggles?

Who is to say.

"At any rate, women and men are certainly not treated the same in our society, and probably not in any society. I'm not sure they SHOULD be treated the same. We're different, and yet, what's the ultimate goal??"

This deserves more attention, because it's very true and dangerous to state in some parts of our poisonous, fake-liberal-regressive west culture. Men and women are not exactly the same, just similar in a lot of ways, which is why we should not be treated exactly the same, just similar in a lot of ways.
Gender ideologues in the west want to enforce complete equality, even if that requires 1984 levels of control. There is an academic feminist working with the WTO attempting to have legislation passed in New Zealand that would make it illegal for women not to work in an attempt to force enough women to work such that they work as many hours as men nationally. It would be a jail-able offense to become a stay at home mom, because you'd be letting down the feminist sisterhood as they strive to achieve a minimum of"50% of everything", like CEO seats.

Nobody has even bothered to ask the question: "Do less women WANT to be CEOs (often unhappy people) than men?", and if so, is that due to personal preference or other legitimate reason, rather than an indefinable "patriarchy", of which there is no evidence?

It's getting insane out there.

Unfotunately, Feminism is now a women's supremacy movement, nothing more, nothing less.

What if we had something called "Maleism" or "Menism", that agitated for hiring preference for men over women against merit, male alimony, etc? We'd never hear the end of it.

If you want women to try and understand men's experiences, you need an incentive such as disadvantages if they won't.

yes, there you go. force them. i'm sure that will work out well for you.

Force them? Haha, no. Looking at what works for women, refusing companionship it is. Sadly today most men need sex more than women need their money, therefore most men make awful deals, put up with all kinds of crazy.

I don't think we should go far beyond "the ability to lift heavy things" when talking about the differences in responsibilities and behaviour of men and women in every-day life.

When you can read the "codewords" it's much easier to understand. When zealous activists (for any cause) call for "equality" just substitute "special privilege" and it all makes sense.

"I demand equality" = "Treat me special".

As sad as it is, a woman killing someone is also typically seen as a plead for help. If you kill your husband, the husbad must have been horrible. If you kill your child, you had some serious issues and nobody helped you with them.

It's sad how rarely woman has any responsibility over her own actions and decisions.

Great Article. In many countries in Europe they are closing female prisons all together, even though many typical female felonies, like violence against children , are rising. I'm wondering that judges just don't sentence women for prison time at all. The western world is a female privilege and gynocentric society that's collapsing.
I may even write an article on Oxford giving special exams for female students because they are too emotional and can't compete with the boys......

Can we please get a masculinism movement going? :)

Growing up (I'm 35 btw) I can remember how I was taught non-stop from parents, teachers and pretty much everyone else, how "you can NEVER hit a girl, no matter what she does to you".

I would always ask, but what if she did "X"? And always the same reply...YOU NEVER..FOR NO REASON!. Well, now that im all grown up and have seen what the little girls have morphed into with all the brainwashing and shit they've gotten awaay with, I can honestly say i don't have a problem knocking one out if I am being being attacked non-stop and walking away doean't work. I'm sorry, but a good amount of women have turned into straight men-hating MACHINES. Beating, kicking, slapping, spitting...even throwing menstrual blood on a man all because they disagree with him? Even if a man cheated on you, why hit? Nobody should be hurting ANYONE! But it's just gotten too out of hand these past 20+ years.

If a womam starts going Mike Tyson on me, the least I'm going to do is nuetralize her. If that means giving her (or him since you never know now a days) a good body slam, then so be it. Call me what you want....I'm a survivor. Lol.

Nice to see another "cat" in the house. Maybe a NY one at that given the crooklyn. And I hear ya man - it's tough being a man within this dynamic in today's society. Damn if you do, damned if you don't.

Haha, Nice! You know us NY "cats" have to rep. Yea, man you aint lyin'. But I DO think this whole neo-feminist movement is starting to lose its steem. I pray to god people gain their sense back. What's so wrong with women being women and men being men? Geez...

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)A really good read thank you for sharing

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