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RE: What’s the truth? And how bad do you wanna know?

in #feminism7 years ago

I'm tired right now, but I think the problem is that Lacy doesn't realize that her work has been entirely empowering for many people who have been told and still will be told by most of US society (let alone all around the world) that they are dirty, bad, ugly, sick etc.. When someone that has been fighting for women says "well they are just too sensitive and thats why we can't debate" it feels not only like a knife in the back but a wholly unproductive one.

If she is saying that feminism is toxic, then she isn't debating on any real terms. She's giving a stage to anti-fems.

ANd lets be really really. Anti-fems can talk everywhere. To say that they are being silenced is insane. The president is anti-feminist. There are entire news stations that are anti-feminist.

Yes, there are indie stations open to or devoted to uplifting feminist voices and specifically women of color and or lgbt++

But these are not the major industries.

To me its not about being good or bad here.

Lacy Green has thrown all of her followers in the trash bin.

It was really a bummer but well, she has to do what she has to do. But I am not interested in listening to "debates" in which people are not "destroying my ideology" but infact destroying my entire being. If you want to debate, you first have to come to the table. Anti-fems do not come to the table, or else they wouldn't be anti-fems. they'd just be people with opinions about things of which I may or may not agree.

These are people who have made it their mission to HATE ME and people like me, for having a strong voice, for fighting for what I believe in, for not being so easily typcasted, for giving a shit about the rights of others.. and on and on...

Like I said, its not about being good or bad.. because its not that easy to stray from societal norms even when you naturally go against them. But a matter of where I put my energy.

I intend to put my energy on uplifting those who struggle against the unfairly white male dominated society and aim towards a greater understanding and appreciation of those who fully intend to offer the same to me. I am ever thankful that such humans exist.


Hey! First off, thanks for responding and dropping this opinion in the thread. This very opinion is why I sad the situation is sticky as f*ck. I think this point you make really gets to the heart of it:

I think the problem is that Lacy doesn't realize that her work has been entirely empowering for many people who have been told and still will be told by most of US society (let alone all around the world) that they are dirty, bad, ugly, sick etc.. When someone that has been fighting for women says "well they are just too sensitive and thats why we can't debate" it feels not only like a knife in the back but a wholly unproductive one.

She’s broken trust with her community and offered no explanation in advance. She didn’t explain what she was doing or get buy-in. I can only imagine how it felt like a knife to many.

In general, it seems that she is trying to open debate with Anti-fems who are willing to come to the table to debate against an educated, opinionated awesome feminist. To be honest, I don’t get to see that very often. I would love to see our president in conversation with someone like bell hooks. Boy bye. I’d like to see a platform where toxic ideas can be debunked with educated, informed fact about social issues.

I also realize that that’s not the work of everyone. Personally, and I can only speak for me, I’m really interested in structural change in tandem with personal transformation. I can understand not wanting to deal with toxicity, but I’ve made the decision for myself to do so in the hopes that I can change the mind of even 1% of the people I engage with. It takes a lot of energy. Not everyone has that kind of energy to spare.

Laci had created a safe, inclusive space. Now other views are allowed in, and she didn’t tell anyone what she was planning. She broke trust. That’s not cool.

Again, thanks for stopping by and talking about it. Your comments, and the other stories I’ve read, really make me think. :)

You are most wrlcome and of course, same. We are all on the "feminist spectrum" imo or in the feminist "tree" there is no "good" or "bad" however, how our most vocal leaders treat each other determines our success. My approach is to support men who respect me at least enough to actually debate from aplace of love. But as i always say, everyone is innocent until proven asshat. And i give second and third chances for those who honestly seem hurt and confused.

In this case, she really messed up. In fact i stopped watching her. Not because of the debates, but because she was clearly drinking some sellout koolaid.

To me shes just anpther tv personality now. I dont consider her a scholar. Or truly an advocaye gor women but it doesn't matter because we arent dependant on each other.

For you and I , i think it will be a journey. And i hope we get to know each other more. Im gonna encourage you to get ginabot notifications. We can discuss #feminism and the number of ppl who come on our pages simply to tear us down.

Thanks for the thoughtfulness! I think I have ginabot stuff already on Discord...but you can also find me in #teamgirlpowa and #steemsugars. :)

P.S. I think your point to her being a tv personality--and more effected by her celebrity status or lack thereof--is probably a big part of this story!

@lilyraabe i guess its a good thing that i founded #teamgirlpowa then :P ;)

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